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Snake has died. Post-mortem exam?
Hello. I am a 2nd yr corn snake breeder and I am experiencing several of my snakes go on what I thought was a good strike. Then I began to notice a couple have become very lethargic and began to noticeably lose weight. I then gathered two of them and took them to a reptile vet to have them looked at. Vet saw no apparent issues. She the took a fecal sample to check for internal parasites. She finally called a week later and told me the fecal sample was too small and the test was inconclusive. Which brings me to this point. While doing my daily check I opened a yearling’s enclosure and to my horror he was dead. My question is: Should I take the dead snake to the vet tomorrow for a post-mortem exam? And if so, how do I prepare the body till tomorrow’s vet visit? I need to find out what is happening before any others fall to this illness. Temp was 80 degrees, humidity 55%, aspen bedding, always clean water checked every day. Diet: 1 f/t fuzzy weekly.
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If you are curious, to know about Lavender corn snake Chrarcteristice, Reproduction and Care tips Click here...
If you are curious, to know about Albino corn snake Chrarcteristice, Reproduction and Care tips Click here...
If you are curious, to know about Palmetto corn snake Chrarcteristice, Reproduction and Care tips Click here...
Hello, your posts come up a lot in my searches. I am in Indiana, no cool localities near me. I am curious about what Corn Snake Localities you are working with. And if you know of anyone working with Alabamas in particular. Thank You for Your time.
Im looking for a pied sided bloodred sunkissed corn snake with mid expression prefferably no older than 2019 and a female does anyone have one of these available and can you get it to me in the uk?
I have a 15” snake that was eating a day old pinky for the dealer every six days. It hasn’t eaten since shipping to me a month ago. I have dangly f/t pinkies, twitched them, inched up its branch to provoke a strike, scented with fresh anole, offered an anole, and enclosed it in its shipping container for two hours in the dark with a pinky. Does anyone have suggestions?
Ok so this morning was feeding day for my corns. I had each of my kids go grab a snake. We have 2, in different tanks. Well one of the snakes were gone. I have watched so many videos and googled so many different ways to find a cornsnake that has been lost. My snakes are only about 2 feet ling and as big around as my pinky at their biggest area. So they arent very old. Anyway i also have 2 cats:( i have searched everywhere in my apartment. Every crack and crevice. Every box, shoe, toy, everywhere I can think of. I even flipped my washer and dryer and checked behind, underneath and inside my stove, fridge, deep freezer and every piece of furniture and no sign of our snake. I sat the 2 pinkies out in the room we keep the missing snake in. I set the hide out over the pinkies and turned the lights off. I had to discard the pinkies after a couple of hours.

Anyway to the point of this post, would my missing corn, (flicker) be find if i sat some chicken out, hoping he would come for food by the scent? I am gonna keep my cats in a carrier tonight just incase they didnt get flicker last night.
Hi Joe, Joe Peck pointed me in your direction and said you may have some pure Jasper county corns available? Thanks,
Matt Morris
Hi there Im new to this subject, ive had m male albino corn for over two years now (hes roughly about 8 years old) and today i purchased another this one is a female around the same size approx about 4 foot. The pet shop owner assured me they could be housed together so i introduced them today with no issues then seperated them, i put them back together this evening and they started trying to mate right away my male was on top jerking and trying to get going they were struggling for a while and then the female started biting the male. Is this normal? any tips and advice on mating them would be much appreciated as im new to the breeding side of snakes.
Sorry, but I retired the SerpenCo business around 10 years ago. I don't work with any animals any longer.
My beautiful girl had not eaten since January 21. She is about 4 years old and I had had her since January 13. She just shed and is active again at night. Why is she not eating for me ?
Good morning, Nancy! I've been reading your stickies on breeding, egg care, and related things. You state that you feed the females every 7 to 10 days depending on your weight requirements. Am I correct in assuming you don't brumate your breeders? Also, what weights are you trying to achieve in your females? Thank you!