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Horror movies


I may need snake rehab.
So I'm in a scary movie mood. Which horror flicks are your favorite? Which ones scared (or still scare ;) ) you the most?

My Favs: The Omen, The Storm of the Century, Halloween, The Shining, American Werewolf in London (If you call that scary)

The ones that made me run to my mommy: The Exorcist, The Omen, The Shining, The Strangers (go ahead and laugh, I was all alone it was dark and I was at my mom's house in the woods.)
my favorite horror movie has to bee rob zombies halloween or my bloody valentine 3d.

none scare me

i also like silence of the lambs
also the strangers is a good one made me jump a few timesi n theaters. when a stranger calls is good too
I loved The Ring, The Cell and What Lies beneath (Dunno if those last two count as horror, though).

I don't think any movie comes close to how scared I was playing Clive Barker's Undying or the first FEAR game if you're into games and want a scare. I just finished FEAR 2 and while it wasn't as good as the first, still had some great hair raising moments.
I just saw your post on facebook about this :p

I love scary movies! None of them usually scare me, but I enjoy them nonetheless. The Shining is always great. I really love The Ring..which most don't seem to agree with. Love the Saw movies as well which most people don't agree with either lol. I just like horror/suspense that actually has a great story to go along with. All-time favorites would be the Hannibal movies, but I don't find them scary.
I just saw your post on facebook about this :p

I love scary movies! None of them usually scare me, but I enjoy them nonetheless. The Shining is always great. I really love The Ring..which most don't seem to agree with. Love the Saw movies as well which most people don't agree with either lol. I just like horror/suspense that actually has a great story to go along with. All-time favorites would be the Hannibal movies, but I don't find them scary.

HA! Gotta love facebook. I've just been in a scary movie mood, I watched both the new and old Omen a few nights ago and I'm watching Storm of the Century now...thinking about putting in some Night of the Living Dead later. Or maybe some Re-Animator....hmmm choices choices.
The Omen...

New or original? I love the new one, but that's only due to Liev Schreiber's appearance in it.

And other "scary" movies I like are: The Lost Boys, The Descent, Hell Raiser, Silence of the Lambs, Interview with the Vampire, Poltergeist, Scream, Bram Stroker's Dracula, Night Breed, and Queen of the Damned.

The only horror movie to ever give me chills and consider sleeping with the lights on was a film I watched years ago (and haven't since) called Kolobos. I'm sure if I watched it now, I wouldn't even blink, but when I was 12 it scared the crap out of me!
I love horror movies! I don't like gory movies as much as I like the psychological thrillers, though. I like movies that will come back to haunt me late at night.

I think Session 9 is my favorite horror movie. It's just soooo creepy. I would highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. I also really liked Shutter, The Orphanage, and The Strangers. The Ring also really scared me when I first saw it and it's still not something I would watch alone, haha.
Faves: The Howling, American Werewolf in London, Lost Boys, just about any Asian horror flick, Psycho (the original), Jaws (the original), The Entity, pretty much all werewolf films (even the bad ones - can't wait for the Wolfman!!)

Scariest: The Fog (the original), The Thing (the original), The Howling (at the time it came out, not so much now), Vacancy, the Hitcher (again, the original)

I never have seen the Omen or Poltergeist, can't imagine either one would bother me.

I enjoy scary horror, I'm not into gross. And I'm pretty sure my friend's brother is still dating Ashley Laurence, from the Hellraiser films. They've been together for years. We met her at my friend's wedding, she's so nice.
I love all types of horror movies. My favorite all-time movie is Silent Hill. It's legitimately creepy.. IDK if I would say scary. I'm always up for new horror movies!
The most recent I've seen are Daybreakers (fair, not great); Stepfather (creepy) and now I'm watching Horsemen which is a typical remake of many others, but so far it's at least holding my interest.
I can't do the scary movies they make today, but I loved the Shining. Jack was awesome in that as was the little kid.
I refuse to go see scary movies made today, because unlike the shining they are more effect, gory movies. I felt at the time the shining was a very well done psychological thriller.
Hostel, Saw and Saw II. I haven't gotten around to seeing the rest of the Saw movies or the second Hostel one. Many of the older horror movies used to scare me, but not anymore.
I couldn't watch Hostel.

I love the Rob Zombie films House of 1000 Corpses and the sequel Devil's Rejects. Very scary, excellent soundtracks! Perfect double feature. I also love Planet Terror and Death Proof for another double feature. Planet Terror is my favorite film of all time.

Classics that still scare me are Halloween, The Shining, The Omen. The Last House On The Left, The Hills Have Eyes. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Deliverence.
I LOVE Rob Zombie!

I've recently seen Saw 1-6. The first one I saw at the theater and was so completely disturbed by it, I vowed never to watch it again. That must have numbed my senses a bit because now they don't bother me at all.

I love psychological thrillers. The Machinist is awesome. Triangle is interesting.
Love the shining,lol taught my son to say red rum because when he was one he talked with that gravely voice and it was funny. Hitch hiker (the original) was good, Saw, and the ring. Someone on here not long ago talked about some movie that scared them immensely in a diferent thread and now I forgot the name, but I want to see it.
If you figure it out, let me know. I've been watching horror flicks all night. I love them!
I absolutely love horror movies! The only movie that gives me the creeps till this day is The exorcise!

Here is the short list of my favorites.

Trick R Treat, Saw, Scream, Silent Hill, The Grudge (1st only), 13 Ghost, The Ring, The Freddy, Jason, Leather Face & Michael Myers movies.

I must say the i was very disappointed in Rob Zombi's Halloween 2.
I love horror movies! I'm a huge fan of the classic black and white Universal pictures ones. The original Frankenstein, Wolf Man and Dracula. Those were cutting edge a tremendously scary at the time. Plus the paved the way for modern horror flicks.

If I had it pick a fav, it's Dog Solders, a movie made by the Sci-fi channel about werewolves. The Ginger Snaps series is pretty entertaining in it's on way. Oh I almost forgot the Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness movies. All really good and very different in their own ways.