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If my colubrid sheds monthly (even though she is already 90 cm long), does that...

Not necessarily. They shed as they grow, and it just indicates that she is still growing at a fast rate. That's three feet, so I would expect them to slow down. What is her weight? I back down to every 7 day feedings when they reach 200 grams.
I don't weigh her. She is well fed so I don't worry about thinness, sometimes I even have to cut back not to fatten her!
Weight is a very important measurement. I'd endeavor to get one, and you can use that as a barometer for scheduling feeding.
Is it possible that her eyes just went blue for a day or so but she won't actually shed?
She eats, there was no dimness period whatsoever, her colors are vibrant as ever... Weird.
I would really recommend getting a digital scale. I got a pretty cheap used postal one for like $5. You can look around online and usually find them pretty cheap. Especially if they are used.

Not only is it good to make sure your snake is a good weight. It's also fun to measure them as they grow.

My first snake was a very fast grower. At only one year old she was already almost 3ft long and over 100 grams (I can't remember the exact weight). Being that size at just a year old, I thought that she was going to be a huge snake. But no. She grew to 4ft by age two and was up over 200 grams. At 3 years old she was 4 1/2ft or so and over 300 grams. I've backed her feedings down to 1 adult mouse every other week because she was getting chubby. She is now 4 years old and hasn't grown much.

Compared to my other snakes who are on the same feeding, she was pretty strange for all that growing she did in her very first year. My other snakes have stayed pretty small until they hit 2.
Here are a couple of pictures I dug up in case no one believes me about how much she grew in her first year.

Sylvara was born on July 24, 2009. These pictures were taken September 30, 2010.



She still sheds a good deal today. It's not always once a month though. She sheds more if she starts getting chubby. She gains weight very easily. So I always have to keep an eye on it.

Sorry for highjacking. Just wanted to show that your aren't the only one who has a fast grower out there and the benefits of measuring weight. :wavey:
Is it possible that she has injured herself in the recent past? Adult snakes will go into a rapid shed cycle when they are healing from an injury. Shedding monthly for a snake that is about 3 feet is kind of a lot even if she is growing out but like Chip said I would invest in a scale because the concern isn't that she is to thin it would actually be cause she is to fat or getting fat.