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Billy The Exterminator...


New member
Turned on my TV to the show, Billy The Exterminator. These two guys are slightly ridiculous in my opinion. They went to a couple's house to catch an armadillo, but found a snake instead. Billy shouts, "OH GOD IT'S A COPPERHEAD" and they cut to a shot of the snake. I was thinking *Hmm that looks like a corn snake to me...* I even googled copperheads to see what they looked like, and still thought it was a corn. After the woman goes shrieking into the house, Billy says, "Oh, it's only a corn snake." :nope: Silly exterminator.
This guy makes my job alot harder, as a trapper anyone and their mother whose seen the show thinks their wildlife experts. Needless to say I'm not a fan :nope:
This guy makes my job alot harder, as a trapper anyone and their mother whose seen the show thinks their wildlife experts. Needless to say I'm not a fan :nope:

I had to turn it off, he reminds me of Dog the Bounty Hunter, only skinnier and younger. I'm sure shows that give the general public any info on anything makes people think they're experts. I can imagine CSI type shows have the same effect on people, lol. I have encountered similar situations showing draft horses. Everyone knows the Budweiser Clydes, and therefore all drafts are Clydes. I gave up correcting people lol.

The funniest episode was when he states king snakes have upper fangs.

I'll laugh and agree on the incorrectness of that, even though I didn't know that myself. :)

I'm no expert on snakes, but I know enough to know when someone doesn't really know what they're talking about.
Oh wow!!! I havent watched that show yet but it looks a bit overexaggerated.

Its pretty sensational....and not in the good way. In the way that everything that happens is VERY over preformed(makes a sensation about everything). Although, I did see an episode where he was getting rid of a fire ant infestation at a croc. farm...that was kind of neat. But that was like 10seconds of one episode that was watchable.
Whatever...the real people doing the real jobs never end up on TV, so all shows like that are usually just "info-tainment"...that is not much info but much entertainment...:rolleyes:
That show is pretty ridiculous, and Billy is horrible. I saw the copperhead episode last night. When they showed the snake, even my daughter said, "Daddy, that's just a cornsnake, right?". Maybe she could be his advisor or something.

BTW...she is not quite 6...

Sensationalism pays. If you wear "extreme" clothing, and have an "extreme" personality...you can have a TV show. It doesn;t matter if you are accurate at all, as long as you are extreme enough to get the ratings...
A better animal rescue show to watch is Gator 911 on CMT in my opinion, while the owner of the park does get annoying after a while the show is pretty educational in the different ways to catch gators and the different scenerios the team is put into.
That show is pretty ridiculous, and Billy is horrible. I saw the copperhead episode last night. When they showed the snake, even my daughter said, "Daddy, that's just a cornsnake, right?". Maybe she could be his advisor or something.

BTW...she is not quite 6...

Sensationalism pays. If you wear "extreme" clothing, and have an "extreme" personality...you can have a TV show. It doesn;t matter if you are accurate at all, as long as you are extreme enough to get the ratings...

See I like the gloves without fingers, who would handle a potentially dangerous animal with bare fingers???
See I like the gloves without fingers, who would handle a potentially dangerous animal with bare fingers???

I only wear gloves when I carry a cage out of heavy brush or tight places, other than that theres really no need for them and when I do where them its heavy welding gloves. You rarely have to handle an animal but I'm a little more hands on then most trappers. His are purely for show I don't know how he wears half that crap Florida/Louisiana is hot enough without constantly wearing half that get up.
I only wear gloves when I carry a cage out of heavy brush or tight places, other than that theres really no need for them and when I do where them its heavy welding gloves. You rarely have to handle an animal but I'm a little more hands on then most trappers. His are purely for show I don't know how he wears half that crap Florida/Louisiana is hot enough without constantly wearing half that get up.

I'm sure you trap the animals, he sticks his bare hands in the bushes, under beds...
Thats part of the job unfortunately most of my bad bites have come from animals at my house and not at a job
I can't stand that show!!!!!!! sometimes we just watch it to make fun of his antics. His mother gets on my nerves she is so fake! I agree with another poster it makes it hard for us because it makes people Know it alls with the WRONG info! So, when we go to remove a snake they think they know what it is by watching these dumb shows.
I can't stand that show!!!!!!! sometimes we just watch it to make fun of his antics. His mother gets on my nerves she is so fake! I agree with another poster it makes it hard for us because it makes people Know it alls with the WRONG info! So, when we go to remove a snake they think they know what it is by watching these dumb shows.

yes!! and it would be frustrating for you on a whole other level, since you're part of the crew auctually trying to show what thats REALLY like. It sucks when other people in the industry you share are the ones giving out bad info...makes your job twice as hard.
Please correct me if I'm mis-remembering, but in the copperhead/cornsnake episode, didn't he say that snakes with round pupils were ok, but those with cat-eyes (vertical pupils) were "poisonous"? I can't remember because watching has apparently dropped my IQ a few points.
Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! ya, I think he did say that! Its mostly the way he over-reacts to the snake removals that gets on my nerves....Or could it be his hair and clothes?? In his defense he seems like he would be a genuinely nice person.
I have no problems with the show or him. I know he is "sensational" and a bit outrageous, but how do you expect him to get a show. Watching a show where a guy just goes out, walks around a home spraying chemicals or setting a fe traps and then going back to retrieve and leave would be very boring right? Not sure that show would ever be made.

The way I see it, he did something to get a show and better his family. If I could get a reptile based show, I would and it wouldn't be monotoned and dull...

To each there on I guess

Let me say this again; I watch the show because of his antics. But, I wish people would make sure their info is correct before they speak, and not act so over the top when they remove snakes. I like him...just not the parts about the reptiles. I agree with you a regular joe would be boring! Also, I said I feel he would be a nice person to meet.
I caught a different show that was much less sensationalized, Venom 911 I think? They followed a specific emergency responder team that treated snakebites in Florida. I don't know if they are going to continue that or not, didn't appear to be a series.
I think he could still be entertaining without giving out the wrong information, though. (Well maybe not him in particular but it can be done.)
I watched that show a couple of times and both times he said something like OMG we have to get this thing out of here! People could get hurt!! There's little kids here!! It didn't matter what the pest was, spiders, bees, raccoons, he reacts the same way - OMG danger danger!! Not really educating his customers just scaring them and trying to act like this big hero that comes in to save the day...