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New here...getting snakes this summer!!


New member
Hello :D

I've been lurking here for a while, but this is my first time introducing myself.

I'm going to be getting either one or two corn snakes this summer once their breeding season comes around. I've done tons of research and I know everything I need to get (though I have not, as of yet, bought anything), but I had a few questions.

First, I will be a first-time snake owner. I've always loved corn snakes and all the fantastic colors and morphs they come in, but I have only just recently been able to get one for my own. I am finally old enough now where I can do whatever I want! :D Anyway, because I have never owned a snake before, would it be a bad idea to get more than one? I really had wanted to get two corn snakes...but I also don't want to do that if it sounds like a bad idea. I figured that it wouldn't be too hard because of how easy corn snakes are to care for.

Second, if I do indeed get two corn snakes (I would be getting hatchlings) I had a question on the aquariums. I know that, at a minimum, adult corn snakes should have about a 20 gallon long tank. However, what I wanted to do when I first get my snakes was to put the two of them both in a tank of that size, but with a divider between the two. Just until they get bigger and then I would remove the divider and get a second aquarium for the other snake. Does this sound like a good plan? Or, if I want two snakes, should I just get two separate aquariums?

And last, if it sounds like an OK idea to put two hatchlings in the same, divided aquarium, what is the best kind of material to use as a divider and what's good to use to make the divider stick in there? Something that wouldn't be toxic or harmful to the snakes and something that I could, in time, be able to remove?

I've learned so much from this site and I can't wait for the summer to come around when I can get my snake(s)! :D
Welcome to the site!
I would just get two tanks right away! I had a divided 55 gallon for a bit and one side I had my corn, the other side had a cal king and I woke up one night and just decided to check on them and the corn was in the king's side! It's just difficult to divide an aquarium, but certainly not impossible. You just have to make sure that if you do divide it, that you can't scoot anything thicker than a few pieces of paper between the divider and the other side of the tank (including the lid area, which is how my two got mixed up). Heating is simple if you divide it though! Just slip the heat pad right under the middle.

Getting two corns is just as easy as getting one.. that's how I ended up with so many snakes! They're so easy to care for.
if you're planning on getting a second tank in the future ANYWAY, why not just invest in 2 to start with? that way you won't have to worry about the potential hazards of having 2 snakes in the same tank (lots of good info on here about that). what morph (or morphs) will you be getting?! there are so many cool ones it's hard to chose just one lol!
Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'll most likely invest in two aquariums during the next couple months while I wait XD.

I am going to be getting my snakes from South Mountain Reptiles and the morphs I'm going to try and get are a High White Reverse Okeetee and a Creamsicle Okeetee. I love the colors and the contrast between the two...and I can't flippin wait!! :D
Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'll most likely invest in two aquariums during the next couple months while I wait XD.

I am going to be getting my snakes from South Mountain Reptiles and the morphs I'm going to try and get are a High White Reverse Okeetee and a Creamsicle Okeetee. I love the colors and the contrast between the two...and I can't flippin wait!! :D

AHH! Lucky lucky! those ROs are amazing.
Just an FYI if you didn't know, but creamsicles are not pure corns, they've got some rat snake in them as well! Don (SMR) is a great guy to get corns from, I am sure you'll be happy with them!
AHH! Lucky lucky! those ROs are amazing.
Just an FYI if you didn't know, but creamsicles are not pure corns, they've got some rat snake in them as well! Don (SMR) is a great guy to get corns from, I am sure you'll be happy with them!

Lol, yes I do know that the Creamsicles have some rat snake in there. But I just loove their coloring, plus I figured it be interesting to have one a little different from the other =)