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How do You All Think of Your Clever Names?


New member
I suck at naming animals.

I have new babies and no clue what to name them.

I'll take suggestions :)

Salmon snow - male -

Strawberry anery - female

More coming tomorrow but I want to get names for these first! I am so lame with names. Right now the salmon is Salmon and the strawberry is Strawberry.
Stunning! I love that snow!

FWIW, when I pick names (lately), I try to go for some theme that appeals to me. For example, my roommate and I wound up naming all but one of our rats after characters on the show Lost Girl, for no more reason than we're both obsessed with the show! A show you love, a mythical animal that really appeals to you/your snakes' personalities (i.e., my rosies earned Dragon names for their gluttonous attitudes), mythological entities (i.e. an ancient culture's gods & goddesses), so on and so forth...
I am kinda fast-and-lose with my naming. Darque is named for my video game character; Nina and Enki for Sumerian gods; Angel because I was watching Angel when I got her; Kusanagi because she's a ghost; and Ghosty because my daughter named her.

I typically chose names from either books or television shows I'm watching. If that fails, I turn to names of gods/goddesses.
I use different ideas for our snake names. Eros has a little heart on his head so named him for the god of love, Dillinger is a ghost there is an old ghost story that Dillinger haunts some part of Chicago. Nathair is Celtic for snake and Pierre' already had his name.

Those are some pretty snakes!!!

Lol I kind of like your names.
The snakes sometimes name themselves. We just recently named a pair of Amels that we have had for a year now. (Mango and Tango) Some name themselves right away like The Mighty Tomato, Bright Orange-y/red Bloodred with an attitude. Imo why not wait until they name themselves. Our Coral Ghost is named Bashful, or Bashy for short. Our Coral Snow is Mr. Happy(short for Happy Birthday). Anywho, good luck on the names, and pretty snakes.
My daughter named Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to the Underworld. A prankster and inventive genius from birth. It fits him very well, he is a bit of meatball LoL! He loves to get up on the plastic bottom of his front glass doors and "inch worm" along it. I kept telling my daughter if I ever got my own corn I'd name her Nessie, after of course the Loch Ness monster and seeing Hermes' "humps" while he'd inch along there. Then last Sunday I got my own snow corn, so I named her Nessie. The loch ness monster has always been my favorite mythological creature.
All 40 of my snakes are named "Steve," I don't know what to tell you...

Thats pretty funny..don't know why, but it is....

I got a good name, since the whole salmon, strawberry, coral debate. you are saying your male "Salmon Snow" call him "King Chinook" , or "Chum Keta" "Chum" for short or "Coho" or some other type of Salmon. Just a thought.

And since the Coral, Salmon, Strawberry was a neat debate you could call her "Peaches" just to be different. ooooo or maybe "Mrs. Berry" or something like that.
We usually sit as a family and pick names for new snakes. I had a gun theme going for a while. Winchester, Sig and Remington. Piglet was originally Shavo (from SOAD) but he was a little pink snake that was a pig at feeding time. So he was renamed. Parker the Hog Island was named after Peter Parker (hubby is a huge spiderman fan) Bugsy is a pinstripe bp and well old gangsters use to wear pinstripe suits so it fit him. Bobbisue was named after the guy that produced her Bob. Eve was a play on adam and eve and satan. Serj again from (SOAD) and Lola was named by my sons ex gf. Geno was named after my favorite hockey player Evgeni "Geno" Malkin and Redrum was thats from the Shinning! Hubby's baby bp was originally Lady J, then Harlequin from batman but turned out she was a boy so Harley is his name.
Oh can't forget Lucky13 she was lucky because hubby rescued her from Petco and 13 because she was our 13th snake. Hubby has since claimed her and renamed her Lilbit. She is a tiny little RO

The two new snakes coming in are already snaked Scotch, a butter motley from Christen Corns and Cleo a okeetee that was sold to the local pet shop because she was too mean for the family.

My bearded dragon is Juju Bean, it was a play on the name of the candy jujy fruit. But she has brought good juju's as well!
The two new snakes coming in are already snaked Scotch, a butter motley from Christen Corns and Cleo a okeetee that was sold to the local pet shop because she was too mean for the family.

Scotch was named because he is literally the color of hard butterscotch candy.

Almost all of my snakes are named because or color, marking or personality trait. Or I do have one that is named because of the anxiety I had when I bought him. That is Berlin. But there is Auger that is named because his head marking looks like an auger drill bit. Then I have a George because he is a curious snake. I have Pete for stinky pete the gold prospector from toy story. He is a golddust.

Ryker, Prudence, Papaya, Apricot, and Antares came with their names and they just seemed to fit them so the stuck. Well Nanci asked me about Antares before she officially named him so I guess I kind of had a hand in naming him. lol
See, I used to have a theme going: serial killers, dictators, and evil people in general. I ran out of buttheads, so I had to start coming up with "normal" names.

Josephine Bonaparte - Boa, and the snake that I've had the longest (6 years next month). Before I knew her sex, she was Napoleon. :grin01:
Lady Gwynevere - Sunglow boa. The real life Gwynevere was a beautiful woman, and this lady is a beautiful snake.
Speed and Trixie - my Moellendorff's ratsnakes. These little boogers are FAST, but quite beautiful to look at when they're holding still (much like the entire Speed Racer movie).
Maasai - African House Snake. This is actually an African tribe. When I had planned to breed these guys, I was going to have several different tribes, but she's the only lady that I've kept.
Lily - Moonstone corn. Came with that name, but she was actually going to get that name anyways (either that, or Cleffa or Igglybuff. Points if you get the reference)
Zeme, Cana, Ceron, Tehya, Ziva and Kali all came with their names, and I wouldn't ever change them. When I receive a snake someone, and that snake already has a name, I don't like to change it, because it's a special little mark that person has left with the snake. In a way, it makes me feel a bit closer with the breeder/seller.
Lush - Lavender Amber. He's a lush little bugger. I also chose the definition most commonly associated with plants, because I feel that he's going to grow up into quite the beautiful corn.
Mikey - Miami. For some reason, it stuck out in my head when I was holding him for the first time.
Scotch - Butter. Self explanatory. :grin01:
Serrano - Hypo Blood. This fella is going to be spicy.
Sommer - Apricot Pueblan Milksnake. These guys come from South America, so I made a horrible portmanteau of those two words (or just how my brother-in-law pronounces it regularly).
Bugger - White-Lipped Python. Actually, his real name is B*****d, but I usually just call him Bugger around company. :laugh: He's a bit of a butthead.
Sonic - Uroplatus guentheri. This is my locality leaf-tail gecko. When defensive, these guys jump, curl up into a ball, and roll away. Gee... I wonder how he got that name? :roflmao:
Many of my snakes are named from a language I am inventing. Others were named after favorite characters from books (I have a list of names of fictional deities that are going to be used in the future. :3) and others were named from my reaction to them.

Dier, Vanay, Torandre, Leshen are all examples from the conlang.

Liam and Jared were from a book, though I had bought Liam as a Lia....

What-the and Heck are reactionary names.

Nautley is named such because despite his looks he is not a motley.