See, I used to have a theme going: serial killers, dictators, and evil people in general. I ran out of buttheads, so I had to start coming up with "normal" names.
Josephine Bonaparte - Boa, and the snake that I've had the longest (6 years next month). Before I knew her sex, she was Napoleon. :grin01:
Lady Gwynevere - Sunglow boa. The real life Gwynevere was a beautiful woman, and this lady is a beautiful snake.
Speed and Trixie - my Moellendorff's ratsnakes. These little boogers are FAST, but quite beautiful to look at when they're holding still (much like the entire Speed Racer movie).
Maasai - African House Snake. This is actually an African tribe. When I had planned to breed these guys, I was going to have several different tribes, but she's the only lady that I've kept.
Lily - Moonstone corn. Came with that name, but she was actually going to get that name anyways (either that, or Cleffa or Igglybuff. Points if you get the reference)
Zeme, Cana, Ceron, Tehya, Ziva and Kali all came with their names, and I wouldn't ever change them. When I receive a snake someone, and that snake already has a name, I don't like to change it, because it's a special little mark that person has left with the snake. In a way, it makes me feel a bit closer with the breeder/seller.
Lush - Lavender Amber. He's a lush little bugger. I also chose the definition most commonly associated with plants, because I feel that he's going to grow up into quite the beautiful corn.
Mikey - Miami. For some reason, it stuck out in my head when I was holding him for the first time.
Scotch - Butter. Self explanatory. :grin01:
Serrano - Hypo Blood. This fella is going to be spicy.
Sommer - Apricot Pueblan Milksnake. These guys come from South America, so I made a horrible portmanteau of those two words (or just how my brother-in-law pronounces it regularly).
Bugger - White-Lipped Python. Actually, his real name is B*****d, but I usually just call him Bugger around company. :laugh: He's a bit of a butthead.
Sonic - Uroplatus guentheri. This is my locality leaf-tail gecko. When defensive, these guys jump, curl up into a ball, and roll away. Gee... I wonder how he got that name? :roflmao: