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Reduction Sale!


New member
As usual, I find I've held on to more snakes and projects than I can realistically manage, so it's time to offer a few for sale! All are healthy, beautiful animals, feeding on frozen unless otherwise noted.

Also, I have a 2-year-old garter snake caught as a newborn in Lincoln, Nebraska. I've never had the time to handle him regularly, so he's very flighty. Should anyone wish to adopt him for the price of shipping (or included for free with a purchase), please let me know! He eats f/t eagerly for most of the year, but winter seems to trigger him to go off feed and hibernate.

I will add pictures as time (and sheds) allow, but please PM me with any particular picture requests. Oh, and I prefer PayPal at [email protected], but I will also accept money orders. Thanks for looking!

1.1 2013 Specter-line Ghosts--$120 for male or $350 for the pair pink, nicely-patterned pair bred by Donovan, easily breedable by next year; female not available separately SOLD

1.0 2011 Dilute Anery (Blue) 66% het caramel, amel, motley--$110 nice blue coloration SOLD

0.1 2013 Striped Blue (possibly Striped Blue Tessera)--$160 from lovely blue parents; patternless SOLD

1.0 2011 Anery Widestripe (partial patterning) 50% het charcoal, lavender, amel--$100 handsome male with practically no carotenoid yellow; has produced perfect widestripes when bred to a partially-patterned female SOLD

0.1 2014 Anery or Anery/Charcoal Widestripe 66% het amel, charcoal, lavender--$120 niece to male above; nice full-length pattern, and should have little or no carotenoid yellow at maturity SOLD

1.0 2011 Coral Snow (straw/straw or straw/hypo)--$70 price reflects uncertainty concerning his pure strawberry status SOLD

0.1 2012 Strawberry Anery 100% het amel--$140 beautifully pink female; will be available after she lays, approx. 1 week

1.0 2011 Caramel Bloodred 100% het amel, hypo, 50% charcoal--$80 nice diffusion, bronzy coloration

1.0 2012 Golddust Stripe--$110 great breeder

1.0 2011 Hypo Stripe 100% het lavender--$80 patternless, good disposition

1.0 2013 Extreme Reverse Okeetee--$120 produced by Steve Roylance; has eaten f/t until this season, when the urge to breed has lessened his appetite, but will still take live without hesitation

1.0 2011 Striped Bloodred--$80 handsome solid red, great breeder; price reflects lack of hets SOLD

1.0 Amel Sunkissed (gazer-free line) 66% het stripe, 50% lava, caramel, anery--$140 one of Joe Pierce's "yellow-jackets," for anyone interested in new gene potential; not a friendly snake

1.0 2014 Banded Okeetee 100% het amel--$110 (pictured in the thumbnail) gorgeous coloration and pattern, super-calm SOLD

1.0 2014 Strawberry 100% het lavender (and six possible hets)--$60 ravenous feeder SOLD

1.0 2014 High-White (Amel) Tessera 66% anery, 50% charcoal, motley--$110 from a late second clutch, but growing quickly; should produce lovely high-white tesseras with the female below SOLD

0.1 2013 High White Okeetee--$220 total, when paired with male above nice white ground, and old enough that coloration should not significantly change; not available individually

1.0 2014 Miami Tessera 66% amel, anery, 50% charcoal, motley--$130 good Miami coloration and clean pattern


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To folks who've replied in-thread and by PM, I'll get photos of what you've requested up first thing tomorrow morning. I prefer to shoot in natural light, since it results in truer colors.

Thanks! :)
Alright, here's the first batch of pictures. Not my best, since I don't get that nice indirect light until later in the day, but it'll give you an idea.

I'll shoot the coral snow and striped blood this afternoon, when I make it back from some errands.

In order, they are:

male specter
female specter
male blue
female striped blue/striped blue tessera
high white tessera


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As usual, I find I've held on to more snakes and projects than I can realistically manage, so it's time to offer a few for sale! All are healthy, beautiful animals, feeding on frozen unless otherwise noted.

Also, I have a 2-year-old garter snake caught as a newborn in Lincoln, Nebraska. I've never had the time to handle him regularly, so he's very flighty. Should anyone wish to adopt him for the price of shipping (or included for free with a purchase), please let me know! He eats f/t eagerly for most of the year, but winter seems to trigger him to go off feed and hibernate.

I will add pictures as time (and sheds) allow, but please PM me with any particular picture requests. Thanks for looking!

1.1 2013 Specter-line Ghosts--$120 for male or $350 for the pair pink, nicely-patterned pair bred by Donovan, easily breedable by next year; female not available separately

1.0 2011 Dilute Anery (Blue) 66% het caramel, amel, motley--$110 nice blue coloration

0.1 2013 Striped Blue (possibly Striped Blue Tessera)--$160 from lovely blue parents; patternless

1.0 2011 Anery Widestripe (partial patterning) 50% het charcoal, lavender, amel--$100 handsome male with practically no carotenoid yellow; has produced perfect widestripes when bred to a partially-patterned female

0.1 2014 Anery or Anery/Charcoal Widestripe 66% het amel, charcoal, lavender--$120 niece to male above; nice full-length pattern, and should have little or no carotenoid yellow at maturity

1.0 2011 Coral Snow (straw/straw or straw/hypo)--$70 price reflects uncertainty concerning his pure strawberry status

0.1 2012 Strawberry Anery 100% het amel--$140 beautifully pink female; will be available after she lays, approx. 1 week

1.0 2011 Caramel Bloodred 100% het amel, hypo, 50% charcoal--$80 nice diffusion, bronzy coloration

1.0 2012 Golddust Stripe--$110 great breeder

1.0 2011 Hypo Stripe 100% het lavender--$80 patternless, good disposition

1.0 2013 Extreme Reverse Okeetee--$120 produced by Steve Roylance; has eaten f/t until this season, when the urge to breed has lessened his appetite, but will still take live without hesitation

1.0 2011 Striped Bloodred--$80 handsome solid red, great breeder; price reflects lack of hets

1.0 Amel Sunkissed (gazer-free line) 66% het stripe, 50% lava, caramel, anery--$140 one of Joe Pierce's "yellow-jackets," for anyone interested in new gene potential; not a friendly snake

1.0 2014 Banded Okeetee 100% het amel--$110 (pictured in the thumbnail) gorgeous coloration and pattern, super-calm

1.0 2014 Strawberry 100% het lavender (and six possible hets)--$60 ravenous feeder

1.0 2014 High-White (Amel) Tessera 66% anery, 50% charcoal, motley--$110 from a late second clutch, but growing quickly; should produce lovely high-white tesseras with the female below

0.1 2013 High White Okeetee--$220 total, when paired with male above nice white ground, and old enough that coloration should not significantly change; not available individually

1.0 2014 Miami Tessera 66% amel, anery, 50% charcoal, motley--$130 good Miami coloration and clean pattern
Alright... put me next in line for the specter pair.. let me know. I can always set up more tubs.. lol
A few more requested pics:

coral snow male
bloodred stripe male
Miami tessera male


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1.0 2014 High-White (Amel) Tessera 66% anery, 50% charcoal, motley--$110 from a late second clutch, but growing quickly; should produce lovely high-white tesseras with the female below

I want him. Is he still available? I sent email to [email protected] also. shipping to 27572
Next batch of picture requests!

Anery Widestripe male
Anery Widestripe female
Strawberry female
(available after she lays)
Strawberry male (He's the duller one in shed. I photo'ed him with his brother to give a better idea of his normal coloration. Normally the only difference between the two is that the one for sale has narrower borders, and less white around the edges. Both are sons of the female above.)


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