Cohabbing different snake species is over the top of the limit. How little has someone to understand about snakes to cohab different species and say they are so cute when they cuddle together...? Plus what you said, different habitat needs for each one... Just gosh...
I don't really know if cohabbing is the norm in Europe, but I think the problem is reading material availability. Such a big territory as is Europe with that lot of languages is actually a problem. Most snake books and good sites are in English or German, and some fewer in French, but all the other countries don't usually have good material and kids that buy a snake won't know English well enough to read a snake book, nor will the parents be educated enought to know they have to read somewhere how to care for their snakes. Moreover, snakes are easily available in reptile expos and normal pet shops.
I had to turn to this site because almost all the Spanish sites about herpetology, where supposed experts who have kept snakes for decades comment, were full of b****t like that you find in Craigslist... I don't even want to visit them because I facepalm so hard every time... And we have a Craigslist equivalent where you see people reproducing their snakes in such bad conditions and selling the poor hatchlings to anybody without care directions...
The problem is not limited to the US, I feel it's a global thing.