Craig, I've used Corallifes, but I'm a cheap wench and found that I could use the screw in CF (compact flourescent) in my home made strip lights for much cheaper. I like the GE brand that come in the 65K color. Plants seem to do better between 55K and higher spectrum. I personally don't like the color of the 50/50 as it seems to be a bit too blue for my tastes, but that's just my opinion.
There are a lot of really nice low-light plants that will do well even in ambient lighting. I have the most luck with various varieties of crypts. I DO experience melting when I move them, but they always bounce back. JF's are another good option, but I find that my wisteria prefers higher lighting and a longer photoperiod. Najas, while not liked by some, is a super easy plant to have and when it fills the tank provides an excellent cover for fry. Marimo balls are another thing that I really like in ambient light. They are food magnets, so they require some frequent rinsing, but my shrimp really like them.
Can I ask what kind of puffers Lisa had in the 5.5? That's honestly a bit small for most types aside from dwarfs, and even then I wouldn't advise more than two. The majority of puffers are quite aggressive and do not seem to prefer their own company without having a large amount of sight-breaking plants.