Tom, your red cherries are high order (they have a trendy new name now, but I still use that) so there is no larval form. Your berried shrimp is constantly rotating her eggs with her spinnerettes, and she'll deliver fully formed live babies. They will be extremely hard to see for the first few days, but if you look close enough you'll see them, usually hanging out on plants eating micro fauna. They'll be pretty clear until the females start to mature, then you'll be able to tell the males from the females...but that will take several weeks.
Good luck, and definitely get that pre-filter on there! I use the black ones by zoo-med. I think it's for turtle power filters...they're expensive, so I cut them in half and just place each half over the intakes. The good news is that they last forever. I use the AC sponges in breeder and grow out tanks, but the black ones in my display tanks.
Keep us posted!
Thanks Lori! I will get that prefilter tomorrow. I think they just had a growth spurt thanks to an algae wafer I had dropped in for my otos. The otos weren't the slightest bit interested but the shrimp devoured it. Next thing I know, they were huge and there were shed 'skins' all over the place. I'll bet lots more of them will start carrying eggs as well.
I am pretty sure that my guppies will eat most of the babies, as they are ALWAYS hunting through the plants for something to eat, but I'm hoping that as planted up as the tank is, some will find places to hide and make it to full size.
I'll keep posting here as things change.