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Newbie with a UTH question


New member
Hello, good evening. I've just registered here because my girlfriend and I are getting a snake soon and I have a question about UTH's

Right now we're using a probe thermometer and thermostat that attach to the tank floor via suction cups. I'm curious if anyone knows whether or not this is safe for use with the UTH, as I'm concerned that the heat from the heater will melt the rubber cups.

We bought some epoxy-type stuff to actually physically attach the probes to the tank floor, but went with the cups (for now) to make moving easier when we upgrade to a larger tank.

Any input is appreciated.


Yup, the suction cup probe thingy will be fine. I put the UTH on the side of the tank, and have just laid the probe in the substrate (the snake's default level) to check temps. The heater doesn't get all that hot, really, certainly not hot enough to do any damage to the cup or probe (unless something goes catastrophically wrong). With the heater plugged straight into the wall, the inside of the wall got into the upper 90s. I went and got a rheostat (otherwise known as a dimmer switch) from Home Despot and wired it inline with a power strip, and have dialed down the temp to just over 80. If you leave the probe loose, you can check multiple areas in the tank, or multiple tanks when you get a gaggle of snakes.
Hello, good evening. I've just registered here because my girlfriend and I are getting a snake soon and I have a question about UTH's

Right now we're using a probe thermometer and thermostat that attach to the tank floor via suction cups. I'm curious if anyone knows whether or not this is safe for use with the UTH, as I'm concerned that the heat from the heater will melt the rubber cups.

We bought some epoxy-type stuff to actually physically attach the probes to the tank floor, but went with the cups (for now) to make moving easier when we upgrade to a larger tank.

Any input is appreciated.


Well if the UTH melts the cups them it will also burn the snake.
But with corns you only need to set the heat to the mid eightys so you will be fine using the sucton cups. I hot glued my probe to the floor of the viv.
Thanks very much for the help! :) We'll be sure to post some pictures of the new arrival when we bring it home (hopefully this weekend).