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  • Thanks, I would appreciate any help that I can get. I would love to be able to go to the show and ride up with someone. If you do have a friend willing and able to do that, that would be so great.
    Hello, there...I see you live in Illinois? What parts are you from? Do you ever make it to Bloomington,IN any? That is where I live. I don't know anyone very close by here that is into snakes...and I need someone to help sex my corn snakes for me. Do you know anyone close to Bloomington,In that would sex my snakes for me? Thanks for any help.

    ok my corn snake still wont eat...nothing I do can trigger her to eat....her last meal was a pinkey mouse on july 8th....she is getting thinner by the day, I mean thin....she is still active but only in my hand when I hold her.....she wont go on the warm end of her tank any more and only stays on the cool end.....what do I do....can anyone help....the person I got her from was really rude and would not help, in fact he just said I'm not ready for a snake....This is just the only problem snake I have, and I cannot get her to eat at all....does any one have ideas besides tune juice, rubbing on a live rodent, slitting brain and back, and covering up at night in a container w/ the muse....I cant seem to find any live pinkey mice any where that I buy and try to offer that to her.....will she be okay untill August 1st when I can go to a reptile expo and buy live pinkey mice, but how do I keep pinkey mice alive?

    I hope that cobra will live, she is my favorite little girl. She is sub-adult, but only as wide as a baby
    *~*Happy Birthday Becky*~*
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