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  • Change of plans. Wallace was showing ZERO interest in Bridget, so I popped Ivan in with her...insta lock! He is Wallace's grandson and all the same genes are involved. Yay, gray babies!
    Is your Sonya an ice ghost? In the DYK she looks like pics I've seen of them....absolutely gorgeous....I want one bad but they are so much more money than I'm allowed to spend right now.
    Hi Cmalchow thanks for being on my friends list also your corns are just beautiful. :)
    Christen, the pillowcases just arrived. Thank you so much!! You saved my bacon this weekend girl!
    I got her out today. She was in her tube and was sleeping until I tried sliding her out. I think I startled her and she rattled a little but was ok after that and kept poking her head out and looking at me. Then I went to feed her. She started eating less than a minute after I put it in there. She's been pretty calm all day. I'm glad she's acting better. OH! I forgot to tell u, I saw her drinking dew off the side of her tank. It was too neat. Then after a minute of that she turned around and went directly to her water bowl and started drinking. I wasn't able to get a picture of her sucking the droplets off the glass :( but I did get one of her drinking. :)
    She FINALLY shed yesterday. She also came out last night and stayed above ground the last 24 hours! Finally!@?"+$-#'!!!!
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