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  • To be honest...to me she doesn't look all that different! I think there is more red/orange coming through on her saddles. But other than that, she looks kinda like she did when I first bought her. But I think thats because she probably shed right before I got her cus her colors were sooo prominent and thats what drew me to buy her!
    Hey! I know it probably said I was on..but thats just cus I was on my phone so it must have just left me online. Idk...
    Get off my back about it already!

    Raider shed also. I found his shed this morning. Sorry I didn't get pictures... :(
    Sweetness! I pinned up some shots of Crush eating, and another one of Illini just a bit ago...I am keeping an eye out for yours!
    Pics of new tubs in Crush Progression Thread and my Normals Thread...as well as pics up of my new mouse setup...just FYI:)
    I prefer wild trout...goldens, rainbows, browns and brookes all live in my area, so that's what I target mostly. I do occasionally gor for carp and large mouth bass, but trout are more prevalent where I am...
    Hi to you, too! I'd have to say the same... Us teenage girls just don't seem all that abundant in the snake hobby, huh? -shrug- BTW, your snakes are lovely! I especially love Ninja... But then, I'm a sucker for aneries. =) Nice to meet you!
    Thank you for the very kind words...what upset me the most was having to bring him back in to them! I guess it makes sense, they have to have proof...but had they treated him right in the first place, it wouldn't have happened...
    Thanks again,
    Thanks a bazillion times for putting those pics up of your 5gal for me! I have to "Spread around some Rep" Before I can give you more, but it's due to you and I won't forget about it! :)
    Your Anery is just so cool looking! I'm yet to get really good pics of my little guy yet, but they are coming soon...and after looking at your pics, maybe an anery is coming my way soon... :)
    Hey, I read that u have fed your snakes f/t for a while, and tried a live, then tried to switch back..

    Did the switch back work?

    And in my situation, my snake is a few months old, taken about 8 dead pinkies from me. I never want to try feeding it live when its older, bcuz the mouse is older as well and can fight, but I assume while I am still on pinkie/fuzzies, they can't hurt my snake, so during this period of time I want to try live. what do you think"?
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