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  • Yeah, my big boy did come from a breeder, he's probably used to going through the seasons for breeding purposes. Glad your little guy didn't regurge, my girl keeps roaming about and upturning everything in her tub, pupils all big and making that hungry face but refuses what I offer. I just don't get these guys. As for my corns, if it is a boy, I'll probably find it a new home. I'm going to have my hands full with what I have and even though this snake is tame and not bitey, it isn't quite as sweet as my others so I don't really want to breed that one anyway. Have you been keeping track of Dexters weight? Is he growing at all? They are slower growing snakes than red tails and such so if he still has a long time between meals I wouldn't worry terribly, I'm just curious how he's doing. I need to weigh mine again.
    I have assist fed mine as well, I don't think it's the bad ju ju everyone makes it out to be. Sometimes it's the boost they need to get started. She's doing well, getting pretty active too. My big guy still hates warmth, I haven't tried to feed him recently, last time I did he didn't want it so he may just have stopped eating for the winter. So for the moment, everything's good. Starting to think my big female corn is actually a boy though, kinda bumming me out, I was hoping for some babies this season.
    How's it going? My little stubborn thing ate again finally. Strange though, I had been leaving her alone for fear of stressing her into not eating, I offered live fuzzies for two nights in a row after she shed, no luck. So last night, I got her out, held her to look her over for just a minute, while I washed her water bowl and dried it to offer another fuzzy in it. (I place them in the bowl to keep them from hiding in substrate.) So I put her back in, put a fuzzy in the bowl and left her alone. She came out to sniff it then went back to her favorite hide. The fuzzy got out of the bowl and was crawling around, no interest, and I just thought, "oh forget it, I'll just take it out tomorrow." It eventually settled down under her hide. Around 4 am I looked and she had gotten under the box and was constricting. lol I backed away slowly. So maybe there is something to moving them around a bit to stimulate appetite, she ate the very night she arrived as well so maybe we just have to wake 'em up a bit and get them hungry.
    Sorry it's late, I am using a uth but she's in a plastic tub so it holds heat very well, I'm trying to keep it at the recommended 85-75 range. Dumerils don't like all the heat that Red tails and other boas need. I can definitely see it with my big guy, he avoids even his carefully calibrated warm spots like the plague. It typically stays around 80 in my room anyway, I don't even have any heat on my corns and they are all thriving. If it gets any warmer I see them cram up against the cool walls of their respective tanks/tubs. How is your little Dexter? My girl should be shedding any day now and I have some live mouse fuzzies waiting for her.
    Hi! Yes, I'm definitely going. I WON'T be bringing anything living home with me though! My 9 year-old sister had to miss the Mesa one, so I said we could go to this one, even though it's like a 45 minute drive. We'll be going on Saturday though, so we won't see you. Sorry!
    Probably not... I work at a children's home and you wouldn't believe the stuff that goes on at a children's home during the Christmas Season. LOL. I'll probably be up to my armpits in driving the kids to parties and cleaning up messes that they make after those parties. :) I wish I could make it out to meet you and some others here in AZ!!!! LOL.
    Getting better, he got his blanket back today and he's deep in blue. He refuses to drink "tainted" water lol. I put some vitamin drops in and he will not touch the water bowl.
    Males max at 6 feet, it sounds like a lot I know. I was hesitant as well but it's really no big deal once you have it.
    Ha ha, thanks, that big ass boa is a good boy, I wouldn't trust any small mammals being near his face but he's really a calm snake. He knows the routine for feeding time and that is the only time he shows any interest in predatory behavior, he isn't at all like my corns, who immediately investigate my hands for food when I open their doors. I'm a real stickler for safety, trust me, I could write a novel about my over protectiveness. :) thanks for checking out my pics.
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