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  • Hey Christine! It was real nice finally getting to meet you too! We definately need to hang out and have a good time! I sexed the lavenders het anery and the two I believe to be anery lavenders and they are all males!! Let me know. I will post pics once they eat (which is tonight). Huggles back xo
    hey just a question how do i know if my heating pad for my corn is the right temperature? what is the temperature suppose to be?? and the bedding im using is coco husk and how do i keep the tank moist?? i sparey the co co hust with a spary bottle but it always seems to get really dry again? should i change his bedding to something else?

    thank you for helping me.
    Soccer? How fun! I remember when I used to play soccer...How old is she?
    Yes! It has been nice outside! It may be spring...but down here it feels like summer...it's supposed to be 103 tomorrow! Yikes! I think it's time we get our pool filled up with water!

    I've been pretty good...just got done with my first year of college. :D
    Now I have to find a job!!
    I just got a hypo blood and an anery from Don at SMR yesterday! I always love getting new snakes...lol.
    Christine! How are you??
    I feel like I haven't talked to you or Wayne in ages! (Even though I think I talked to Wayne not too long ago...lol)
    I just saw your new avatar, Christine. What a beauty you are. You remind me of a young Priscilla Beaulieu Presley.
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