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  • Hello, Nanci... I just brought home a male baby Ball Python (normal)... Any suggestions for a good name, for him ???
    Thank You, Nanci... I saw that there is a 29(???) gallon & 30 gallon Critter as well, maybe I'll go that route, for the added space. I don't want to confine her growth, or exploring nature... I plan to purchase and mate her w/ a Striped Creamsicle, Amel stripe, or an Opal...
    Need some expert input... Which would be best, for my female Butter Corn, The Exo Terra 18x18x18 cage, or A Zilla Critter Cage 20 Gal Long ??? Your opinion is valued, in my quest, to give her a great home... she's only 6 weeks old, but I want her to get settled into a nice home, for a while...
    Hello Nanci... I'm having trouble adding pics, to my profile, avatar, and albums.. Just trying to show off my juvenile Butter Corn " Elmo "... Airenlow suggested that you could help...
    Nanci , I understand why I got a infraction, and you are right it was not ok for me to use even the abbreviation for abusive language but the only thing I ask is that you know I apologized for it , it was in response to him telling me I should not own any animals in life, and had tried to end that thread on numerous occasions but people kept saying hateful things one guy even posted a link from a sticky thread saying something to the affect of attn all new comers if you want to cohab expect to be called mean names and talked about at length just because yall post a thread saying that it is going to happen doesn't make it right to be so hateful nobody even came close to changing my mind talking to me like that they just pushed me farther away from any good info they might have been able to provide.
    Hey Nanci. Well, you probably don't remember, but I had a little issue with being afraid of my snakes, for no reason. I knew they couldn't do anything serious, but the fact I was never bitten gotten to me. I didn't know what's it's *really* like.
    anyway, now, I'm all cured :) I would like to thank you for your advice, cause it was your virtual voice I was hearing every time. Just do it indeed.
    Ps- they still have never bitten once. I really had nothing to be afraid of
    I have paid to place adds, why can't I post them? Also all the threads I reply to are deleted.
    Actually, it's *my* issues! I tend to be spastic from time to time, and I realized that this morning when I was out and about reading threads. :-D
    I actually feel like we have gotten off on the wrong foot. I would like to extend a formal apology for any defensiveness I may have exhibited in the past, and tell you that I value your knowledge and experience in the herp community.
    Hey Nanci, I know you have my lavender's clutch mates, just wondering how often you're feeding your corns to get them to grow so much in a year. My year old anery is only 50 grams, I haven't weighed my other two yet, but they've got to be around the same, maybe 60-70. Thanks!
    thanks for the info on my rat snake's temper/behavior. I have another question you might be able to answer. Since I have had him, I fed him a rat perfect for his size and always, always make sure he has clean, fresh water in his dish. Lately I have noticed pieces of snake skin in his holding tank as if he is trying to shed but can't do it all at once. Is this maybe because he is still pissed about being moved from his familiar home? I sincerely hope I am not doing anything wrong or that he is not sick. Hope you can help.

    Thank You Nancy for your timely, kind comments and opinions on problem solving you contribute to EACH of my posts! Just want you to know I APPRICIATE the time YOU take out of your day to do it!
    You remind me of Abigail in 1st Samuel 25. Although this little trivial website matter is nothing like that situation the passage does come to my mind.
    Becoming a paying member is not an issue with me. Just feeling out the vibe of he website. Right now it seems a little elitist and oppresive.
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