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  • Hi Deb! Thanks for joining Anything Sand boa! I'm looking forward to any photo's of your collection & sharing any information on this intriguing species.
    Ah, I see.
    Well, colors (of Cornsnakes) is a hard one, to answer, because I find beauty in most... including some that may be considered as "plain" to some other folks. I guess you could say that I seem to have a love for almost all morphs/localities. So, it would probably be easier to ask what I least like or am least passionate about.;)
    I do, however, have a certain passion for, & focus on, Dilutes (along with a passion for, &/or focus on, several others).
    Will be looking forward to any, & all, updates on your milksnake ... and will keep you posted on my '09 breedings.:)
    Thanks Deb for getting back to me. Yes I will keep you posted on the milk snake & thanks for the add. I did not mean to sound so personnel. I meant what are your favorite colors when I asked your passions. Just did not word it write. I have 23 corns, 1 king & a ball python at the moment. I too was into art & should have pursued it further. Keep me posted on your pairings for 09.
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