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  • PJ -- you know what -- I forgot the het caramel girl after all that! S'okay, I'll just have to come back sometime soon! Not a bad idea in my mind...
    Hey PJ! Hope you and the little ones are doing well. Any chance on an update? No fair leavin' me hangin'! :p
    Pretty & Icabod had another successful rendezvous last night. I am going to wait 3 days and then put them together one more time. Then I'll keep my fingers crossed!
    Well, that assumes Pretty read the katy manula. And that she is fertile and Icabod isn't shooting blanks, too, now that I think about it,

    Oh, this is so exciting! Squee!
    Dunno how I am going to sort Charcoals, anerys & Charcoal anerys. Grow 'em up & see who gets yellow on the neck maybe? But hey, it's a start on the project! And SO exciting. Even if it doesn't work this year, at least they like each other enough to try again.
    Hi sweetie!

    I have news -- I had hoped to breed Icabod to Pretty (anery girl) just as a trial run. She wanted nothing to do with him 8 weeks ago.

    Tonight, just for fun, I put them together. Almost instant hookup.

    So maybe, just maybe, I'll have a late clutch of normals het anery & charcoal (unless either of them have any unknown hets, of course).

    Hey lady-lady...I've called you a few times in the past few days. I hope you are doing well...Wilber's a PIG!! hahaha. I LOVE YOU! MISS YOU!!...I'm at my grandparents today..but I have the internet!!..=)
    like forever*

    How long does it take babies to come out after pipping? Do you have any pictures? I'm on the edge of my seat with excitement. :D
    Yippee!!! :D :D :D Omg it's felt life forever the past few days. I finally get home to the happy news! ^_^ Congrats PJ!
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