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  • I hope so too.. I am trying to convince Jeremy to take me down soon..I ma really antsy..and I keep getting money for Rudy and it keeps leaving my wallet..so I really need to come down..lol..haha..I have to pick up a few more bins..I have a tank for Sammie..but I need to fix the screen top..its a breeder..I think I can bring it to the hardware store and they will fix the screen...I will try mice..I have to order some soon anyway..I need to make a rodent pro. order again soon..Lester is eating all my Fuzzies!..LOL.
    Small Rats.....and that sucks..all wireless systems are locked.even mine..everytime we loose power..I need to get the password from my landlord!....and he is a EMT..so he is never home!
    I have already picked out a name for her..I may namer her Escher..still not sure tho.
    Oh PJ, they are stunning. If my living situation weren't so precarious, I'd be all over a pair of those. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to scale back my tiny collection already. Thank you for letting me know....I'll have to love them from afar. I'm sure you'll have no problem moving them, they're gorgeous.

    How are things in your corner of the planet, sweetie? I haven't heard from you. Give me a call when you get a chance. I'd love to catch up. 317-503-2203
    hi, p.j. how's it going, just checking to see how my new new little friend is doing, can't wait to get him/her. wicked excited:) see ya later. "k"
    Miss you too..I hate this whole..you being 78 miles away crap..what is that anyway..LOL...anywho..you do know that when I go to USM..I will be over all the time!
    Corner store..Chocolate chip stuffed french toast..1 egg over easy..and carrot sticks..that's what I always get..lol...
    Just letting you know that the three you sent me are doing great. They all have such great feeding responses and Sam, the little Normal, has shed twice! Thanks again and looking forward to getting some more from you in the future!
    PJ......ahhhhh...I'm goin' crazy..haha...Lester is being soooo needy now that he is home..Its cute, But I feel bad. I cant always be with him...He always wants to be out and with me...what a little lover boy!!..lol
    Thanks for the friend invite, PJ.

    I was looking at your website. You have a couple of interesting pairings for this year.
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