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Recent content by pridecity

  1. pridecity

    Internet Censorship

    I guess I'm late to the game, but I just found out about the US trying to censor the internet. This, which I obviously find stupid, has all ready affected the majority of my day-to-day internet browsing. Have you noticed that Wikipedia and Google have changed? You can't access Wiki for the next...
  2. pridecity

    Bedding Alternative?

    After cleaning out my guinea pig cage the other night, I've discovered that I'm officially allergic to the aspen bedding. It was bad enough that my nose is completely clogged, as are my ears. I've gotten a headache and my throat ended up closing. I guess it's basically a given that I have to...
  3. pridecity

    Bugs In Peat Moss

    Thought I'd post this here as it's not snake bedding. CS members have never failed yet on questions I ask (because y'all are awesome!). I guess I wasn't using the right combination of words for Google to find what I need, so here I am. I have a very large bag of peat moss from Home Depot a...
  4. pridecity

    Meet My New Pet Spider

    A few weeks ago, I went into the bathroom at about 3am and as I sat doing what one has to do, I noticed this large spider. For some reason in my half-asleep stupor, I decided I didn't have the heart to send the cats after it. So, after finishing up my business, I rushed to get a deli cup from...
  5. pridecity

    New Mammal Additions

    I guess I've officially become known as the Crazy Animal Lady in my neighborhood. I got home early last night to discover a shoe box at my door with a note inside. Someone's kid came home with baby rats and that was a big no-no. They hoped I would take care of them. Of course, I had to say yes...
  6. pridecity

    Anyone Have Pictures Of Pro Bug Breeders?

    I'm looking to up the size of my bug colonies and perhaps add another bug or two. I currently have dubias and mealies. I might get some waxworms in the mix as well. I'm still looking for a good source for slugs/snails and will eventually be getting earthworms going (I discovered last night that...
  7. pridecity

    Looking for Hot Keepers In Colorado

    Hey everyone! I recently answered a Craigslist ad asking for a black snake to borrow for a photo shoot. I don't have any black snakes anymore, but I replied anyway. The guy who posted the ad and I worked something out and between three of my corns, he got some pictures and I became $20 richer...
  8. pridecity

    I Have A Dream For Computer Nerds

    I thought you guys would appreciate this. I came up with this while I was organizing my Firefox bookmarks and watching Jerry Springer (still haven't found my stupid Comcast remote so I can change the channel). Please feel free to add to it or create your own. I have a dream! I have a dream...
  9. pridecity

    Ebook Readers?

    So, I've been floating around Amazon adding to my list of books I want to get eventually (list is topping 500 books or so now). I've considered replacing my collection of hardcopy books with eReader versions, though it would be expensive and I'm not sure if it's feasible. I had a couple of...
  10. pridecity

    Can American Colubrids Breed With Asian Colubrids?

    As the title states, can American colubrids breed with Asian colubrids? For example, is it possible to breed a corn with a bamboo rat (so pretty!)? If so, has anyone actually done this? Must have pictures if so!
  11. pridecity

    Serious DIY Planning. Suggestions and Input?

    With a new and better paying job, I'm getting to the point where I can redesign my reptile room. I have several animals I need to plan for and despite my previous efforts to plan, I keep changing my mind. I'd love some input and suggestions. This project won't start for at least another month as...
  12. pridecity

    Snakebyte Tv Viewers - Got a question

    So, I came across Snakebytes on iTunes recently and remembered that someone here had mentioned it. I want to say it was Nanci. I've subscribed, but I have a problem. Itunes is telling me that the Podcast URL is incorrect. The newest podcast I have is called "My Boa Swears" and there are about a...
  13. pridecity

    Arvada Colorado Bug Hunt

    I'm having a terrible time identifying half of these. Please excuse the crappy pictures, I was using my phone to take pictures. The first one is what I think is a Vivid Dancer. I didn't get a good look at him even though he landed right on my shirt for a few minutes. By the time I got my phone...
  14. pridecity

    Things I Learned This Week

    Feel free to add on! Things I learned this week: *Cats are easier trained than some dogs (Cassie wanted to beat up Mew and kept raising her paw. I kept saying "Cassie" sternly and she'd stop. Try getting my mutt to listen that well. Lol). *I broke my bearded dragon Ella by feeding her pinkie...
  15. pridecity

    Letter From My Senator About US Default

    I got a letter from my senator today. It was one of those mass emails, but it was asking me to sign a petition. I don't follow politics. I know I should, but I just have other things to do at the moment then follow every single update in our government. In addition, I understand very little of...