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  • Hey Bethers! How ya doing, GF? Long time no chat. What's new up there in your corner of the planet?
    I have a question for you regarding Vidalia. I saw a recent post from you where you said she hadn't fed for you in several months. I have an 07 female who hasn't fed for me in 5 months. I just offered her a very small live hopper and she finally took it!

    Are you going to be offering Vidalia a series of smaller meals and gradually getting her back to a normal size meal or jumping right back up to a regular size mouse for her?

    My snake has never been one to regurge but since her stomach hasn't had to work for so long I'm nervous about what size meal to offer her next feed, so I'm curious to know how your handling it with Vidalia.

    ~ Jenn
    It's slow today due to the rain..but i got alot of bills paid and paperwork done. Only 2 and a half hours til it's time to go home!!
    Also trying to decide on a name for a possible new pewter girly.....
    Good AP classes suck! But the good grades bring in the snakeys! How is the shop doing! And alot can happen in 30 minutes
    No problem, Beth. If you don't want to make an official report to request Visitor Message area stuff, you can just PM me and I'll take care of it. There IS precedent!

    Take care!
    I guess it was about the announcement someone made after my post.
    How you hear???
    Oh....that right , your Pookie. LOL
    You are awesome, you have no idea!!

    Yes your right!! I have no clue what your talking about??
    But YOU are the awesome one.
    You seem to do alot of work with Albinos Beth. I will be thinking of you on Setp. 10th
    That is so cool that he changed 'tuds like that! I love granites I can't get over yours!
    LOL, Mean 'lil Granite! I guess you should re-name him David? No don't do that! I love mean 'lil corns because they thik they are huge! Like little shakey dogs! If he was still for sale I would snatch him up!
    I love garter too, they are stinky and bitey! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You almost go rid of Syko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That snake is absolutly GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never get rid of him!!!!!!! He is amazing. That is truly the best looking granite I have ever seen!
    I like garters, they are neat snakes. I have a 1 in 32 chance to hatch an avalanche stripe with Syko's parents (that granite you like so much) :) Thank you for the compliment on him, I almost didn't keep him.
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