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  • Oh sorry my darlin'...
    I should of added a "I'm in front and just typed it out.
    I'm laughing mad and funny. hey it's lennyspeak.
    And I see you're going ""Batman and Robin " on that thread.
    Oh boy.
    I'll Pm ya on that other """topic"" hehe
    Ya know..you have to click on my name to send a reply. lol I'll let you slide lol
    Thanks again Beth. Maybe a spring vacation.
    Some of that stuff was sent to me by my brother in law Dave, and some I picked up at the Bojangles down there. They had a huge rack of all the local stuff to do!
    I found "the newcomers guide to Hendersonville" to have the most practical info, and the retreat in Flat Rock was one of the places we considered buying. You and the missus should just take a nice relaxing vacation there and see what you think!
    I am so glad it all arrived safely and didn't bust open the envelope :)
    I got MAIL!!!! And lots of it!! It's gonna take a while to absorbed all of this. It was a trip to see that there is snow skiing down there too. But be a short season tho.
    Thanks again for sending all of the info Beth. No wonder you fell in love with the area. I owe you. Lenny
    I know, I checked it out when you joined here, and did not say anything, but that was really BAD!!
    LOL thanks star it was alot worse I use to have a light purple lol you really could not see that color. ;)
    Sure that's fine! If any pieds turn up then they will be only half related to our keepers.
    Thank you so much for keeping her another year. Never would have guessed back then that we would be moving away....sending off some of my kids tonight on loans and am so stressed!!! After the Betsy problem I am much more scared than I should be.
    Hey Beth,
    I was considering selling the male that bred to your Hypo Blood last year. I do have a low expression Pied Bloodred male I can breed to her instead. Would that be OK?
    I thought I would drop you a line and let you know your kids are doing well. Sundance was being such a gentleman. I was about to call you a liar but then yesterday I went to change his water and he rattled his tail. So I told him that it would go over just like it would with mommy and picked him up. He was stiff as a board but of course calmed right down after a minute.
    Well that might happen a little down the road....
    Both girls are moving out by Aug something and going to different collages. Sara the youngest will be staying at a dorm and Suzanne will be in an apt with the bf ""supporting "" herself . And we will be home alone broke paying off the student loans. Both will be around/outside Philly so if they figure the train /bus they could see more of themselves than us!! So one day I'll just mail you my snakes,pack my sh%t and ride west.
    That's after the # hit the fan. lol
    Orrrrrrr you could just pack up and move (not to this goshforsaken hellhole of a state, but I would like to see you closeby!) :) What does the Missus have to say about this idea of yours?
    That '09 female hypo lavender poss het anery and stripe hatchling in Kate downsizing thread look sweet. What do ya think Pook. Good match for Lance or Lemon?????
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