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  • Here's my hypo pewter gal. I'll be updating her probably within the next month. Hypo Pewter
    Geez, no...of course not. He IS very lovable.
    I love the pic of little Lenny. Did you get some updated ones this weekend?
    I miss you....talk soon? Muah! xo
    Sue Happy Belated Birthday! And congratulations on your new grandson also!
    And I told you I would tell you before I posted it on DYK. I am getting a SSS.
    It is a Butter Okeetee. I am very excited to be getting him.
    I can imagine the horrors and panic you've been through. I'm so glad that it's over and you can now go on to love and cherish both of your babies. Anytime, if you need to talk, vent, cry, laugh...anything...you know I'm here for you. (((Sue)))
    Susie!!! DYK I've been thinking about you and wondering if everything was ok...and now I see what's been keeping you away from the forums! I am so excited for you, my friend. Let me know when you have a free minute to talk in the coming days or weeks. I'd love to have some quiet time to chat. Happy birthday, sweetness. Much love, L. xo
    Hi Sue!

    Great talking to you while in the midst of all of our fun in Daytona! It was pretty noisy, so I could not hear you really great - but I love your accent! Sure hope to see you here in person next summer for this big shindig!
    Hi Sue! I loved talking to you and will now read your posts with your sweet voice attached to it with your adorable accent.
    Hi Susie!!! I was so happy to be able to talk to you!!! We definitely need to chat when it's less hectic. I was running around there like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make sure everything was organized and all that fun stuff! LOL. I wasn't nearly as bad as Katie, though. Haha.

    See you around!
    It was good to talk to you too! I didn't think you sounded overly giggly. I was tongue-tied and brain-damaged. I'm still a little wonky...

    Take care,
    SuzieQ! I forgot to pack your phone number! Please pm it to me so we can call you tomorrow! Wish you were here, but I'm looking forward to speaking with you again! Love you!!!
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