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  • Depressed and sad, but trying to keep my brain occupied. Thank you for your kind message. I wasn't ignoring you, just trying not to "go there." Know what I mean?

    How was your day? See any interesting cases today? I'm really looking forward to getting back to the NICU.
    Thank you so much. I've gone from a bad place to a worse place. Sleep is my refuge. Thanks for being there. There aren't enough Betsys in the world.
    Thanks, Betsy...I think I almost had a relapse, but I'm over it. Some things and some people are just not worth it. I'm going to sleep...that's how I deal with bad things. Lately, I could sleep the clock around.

    You ARE a good friend....you're consistently wonderful to everyone. I'm very glad to have gotten to know you. ((((hugs))))
    You're a good woman, Betsy. While you choose to rise above it, I just now chose to lose my mind. Details to follow. :(
    Oh geez....are you a believer in martini lunches?
    Hopefully your new employees will make a smooth transition. I absolutely do not envy you! :(
    I really enjoyed "chatting" with you a few weeks back. You've certainly become a well known and always friendly presence around here. What's going on with "work?" Anything you can share?
    Yes he's a snow, just got him a week ago, he sure has my personality XD.
    He was very unsure at first and always hid but now it's nice to see that when I move his hide-a-way and put my hand down in front of him he climbs on it and up my arm
    Thank you so much, Betsy. December is supposed to be a happy month. I hope 2010 will be a good year, too.
    Thanks, Betsy! I really appreciate your kindness! ((((((hugs))))))
    You have such patient, wise, succinct posts, Betsy. Please consider accepting my friendship.
    I try to be wise, but this has been a bad holiday season...and I seem to be coming off silly, or a 'wise *$$' at best. LOL.
    So I am just lurking for now.
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