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Search results for query: *

  1. cbcgeneral

    Has this ever happened to anyone?

    I just want to get this off my chest. I feel horrible and I want to know if I,m the only one this has happened to. About a month and ahalf ago I accidentally killed my snake. He was a 4 month old snow. :awcrap: I'm going to wait for some replies and if you guys want to hear the srory I'll give...
  2. cbcgeneral

    A few pics of my 3 corns

    and finally The only one I know, my normal
  3. cbcgeneral

    A few pics of my 3 corns

    Finally after lurking for awhile here are some pics. I'm not sure what kind they are but i'm sure you guys can tell me.
  4. cbcgeneral

    Member for awhile but first post

    Hello everyone.I found this site about 9 months ago and was able to learn everything I needed to know before I started my addiction. I'm kinda shy so I just read everything I needed to know and kept quit but I figured it was about time I introduced myself. My name is Chris and I started out with...