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Went to Snakeguru's yesterday.


I has nuttin to Say.
I gotta tell you, I went to the Snakeguru's place to pick up a few animals. I got a cane toad, a few milks, a water snake and a mbk x corn cross.
Well I gotta tell yah, he has his herp room setup really nicely and I am now thinking of changing a few things around here to be similar to his setups.

first a few critters that took my breath away.
Brad knows that I am a huge boa/python fan only a few snakes have captured that heart.
And these helped add to that heart.


Candoia carinata carinata

But it was these that sealed the deal and I am getting some next spring, no if, ands or buts. I will have this species in my collection. They are super cool and they clicked. lol
This is his male if I remember correctly

Here is his female

Now another animal I would like to work on is the Sunbeam. When they were brought to the US no one could keep ball pythons, now they are every where. I am hoping that this species will do the same. I really want to work on them and get them going. Brad has his for about 3 years and another friend of mine has had hers for around 10 plus years. Eventually we are going to get this species to take hold and we will no longer need to depend on imports.


Here is a close up on those scales, that snake is in focus its just the coloration.
Now Brad's setups that Amazed me that I never thought of doing. Pull out shelves for 40 gallon breeders. I really like this and I want to attempt something like this. As Brad put it, its about 2 40 gallon breeder high and then 38 gallon turned on its side with his homemade doors.
(these doors are really nice idea.)
Whole setup

Cage pulled out
BTW I think the first candoia picture is paulsoni, not carinata. The pattern, body and head shape are not that of the tree boa. Still gorgeous though, you know how huge a fan of candoia I am!

And aren't sunbeams awesome in the flesh! The only trouble with breeding WC adults is getting them to cycle in captivity. Thats why bringing in juvies or even babies may be better as they don't get the chance to sexually cycle in the wild first.

And woa, that chondro is drop dead gorgeous.
Now here is his 10 gallon shelf, made from 2 x 4s.
Its very nice wall setup with the lights hooked onto a 2 x 4 above the cages.

Again, i really like these doors. They are super nice way to go.



It not fancy but it holds nice and it works visually well. I am hoping next year to have a wall like this in my basement. *hint* *hint*
BTW I think the first candoia picture is paulsoni, not carinata. The pattern, body and head shape are not that of the tree boa. Still gorgeous though, you know how huge a fan of candoia I am!

And aren't sunbeams awesome in the flesh! The only trouble with breeding WC adults is getting them to cycle in captivity. Thats why bringing in juvies or even babies may be better as they don't get the chance to sexually cycle in the wild first.

And woa, that chondro is drop dead gorgeous.

Well Brad was pretty sure they were carinata. but they are nice non the less and I will be getting some. lol

And Elle, out of all the people I know, you probably would not be allowed there, cause you wouldnt want to leave.
Oh I know. I would spend a gazillion years photomagraphing everything. I love diverse (aka postage stamp) collections!
Those boas look sick! What species are they? Also you siad you got a corn X mbk, can you post a picture of it that sounds like a odd cross, I'd love to see it because both of its parent species look so different.
Another thing I really liked was his record keeping for his cages. You knew exactly what you were looking at or what was in there.

He created these lamented cards with double sided sticky tape.

Can you please rephrase that.. Those animals were not sick and please do not use that about someone's animals, its rude. I know you meant well. But people can take that the wrong way.

I'm sorry I got excited because those boas looked "cool', and I didn't realize that would've been taking the wrong way and be rude... to be honest i thought it was fine but if you took it as being rude my apologies.
I'm sorry I got excited because those boas looked "cool', and I didn't realize that would've been taking the wrong way and be rude... to be honest i thought it was fine but if you took it as being rude my apologies.

Its not a problem, you just have to be careful cause most of us do not use that kind slang/terminology in our conversations about reptiles.
Ya sorry, but back to my question what species of boas are those in the photos between the chondro and the sunbeam? And I'd really appricate a picture of the mbk X corn snake, hybrids really interest me and that combination is hard to imagen, you can messgae me it if you don't want to post it because it's kind of off topic.
Ya sorry, but back to my question what species of boas are those in the photos between the chondro and the sunbeam?

The species name is right above the pictures, Candoia carinata carinata, Pacific Tree Boas. But Elle thinks they are Candoia carinata paulsoni., Pacific Ground boas.

As for the cross, there should be a new thread for that snake.
The species name is right above the pictures, Candoia carinata carinata, Pacific Tree Boas. But Elle thinks they are Candoia carinata paulsoni., Pacific Ground boas.

As for the cross, there should be a new thread for that snake.

Thanks for the info, i tried googling the latin name earlier but for ome reason google wasn't working for me. Also thank you for posting a new thread!
I'm going to have to go with "Freaking Awesome" on this one. All the snakes are stunning (LOVE the sunbeam) and I'm so jealous of all the viv's. My brain is working overtime to figure out how long its going to be before I can have something like that!
Awesome thread. Looks like you had a great time :) I'm definitely diggin' that 10 gallon set up for sure.
Snake Guru knows I always compliment his snakes when he puts up photos so it's no surprise to the response I have for this...

His animals are amazing!!! and I also am a fan of his setup :0) It's because of his GTP that I want one soo badly..lol..I will have one after I move to FL..and I plan on getting a sunbeam now as well..

Nifty pics.:)

And, it would be really cool if somehow, I could find out just exactly what type of boa those are, tree or ground...because I'm not a boa connoisseur, and I'd like to tell my brother what I want for Christmas :D
His animals are amazing!!! and I also am a fan of his setup :0) It's because of his GTP that I want one soo badly..lol..I will have one after I move to FL..and I plan on getting a sunbeam now as well..


FYI Sunbeams are not for the weak of heart, and for the more experienced keepers. Their expected lifespan in captivity. 6 months, if you can get them to live that long. Some friends pitched in and got a small batch, they all but 1 died. 1 out of 5 lived and I am not sure how its doing at this time. Its been only 3-4 months so far.