Quigs said:
Yep, this poll is null and void now.
Honestly no offence at all to you, Dand. I tend to like reading your comments, bits of humour and sarcasm but I think this thread is what pushed Rich over the edge and pull the plug on the rep system.
Of course Cornman didn't help the situation any either!
Actually this thread had nothing at all to do with my decision to axe the reputation points system. Matter of fact, I read it for the first time just a few moments ago. What got it shut down was when people began using it as a spiteful childish weapon against other members here. It was getting people upset and they were contacting me about it. Which, quite honestly, I really don't want to be caught in the middle of if I can help it. If I see a bunch of kids rough housing and acting like jerks on a school parking lot, I don't stop my vehicle and try to jump in and figure out who started it all. Same thing here. You all can pretty much do whatever you want as long as I don't hear about it. I just figure that "no news" is "good news".
Now then, I need to make a comment about something that was addressed in this thread and apparently was the catalyst for this reputation implosion. And that is the issue about people just posting "Good photo!", or "Great looking animal!" or the like as one liner responses to photos in the photo gallery. And to this I ask
So what? What harm was done? Who was offended by that? If you post a photo of your favorite animal and you don't get one single cotton-pickin reply to it, how are you going to feel? So what if someone comes along and strokes the egos of those people posting their photos. Do you really think that people HATE to hear that kind of stuff about their animals or their photography skills? Perhaps, just perhaps, that person REALLY liked all those photos and was just excited about seeing them and felt he had to make some comment about them. So then how do you feel he felt after he saw that suddenly people were attacking him for what he was doing? Giving him negative reputation points for doing NOTHING but likely helping people feel good about the posts they made. And some people here made that a crime? What the heck for? What did it do to hurt YOU?
And you know what? I had one of those people send me an email, obviously crushed and discouraged by how they were treated here asking me to delete their account completely off of this site and remove all of their posts. Is that what some of you had in mind doing to someone here?
Now I am not going to mention any names or otherwise try to embarrass anyone, but I want EVERYONE engaged in this whole affair over the last several days to just stand back and do a self evaluation. Was what YOU did really justified? Was it something you are proud of doing? Do you think it may be in everyone's best interests here to just hold your tongue and not immediately think the absolute worst about someone right off the bat? Why in the world would you want to alienate people who are coming here because they have the same interest and love of corn snakes as do most of the rest of us? What's the point to doing that?
I am going to close this by asking any of you who might be a bit in the wrong here to please be a bit more considerate and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. And more pointedly, if someone is not HURTING someone or something, then don't try to force your opinion of values on them and judge them wanting because they are not you. Just because YOU wouldn't do something that way does not necessarily mean that it is wrong because someone else does.
Now, if this post of mine offends some people because I am jumping to conclusions, thinking the absolute worst of some people here right off the bat, trying to force my opinion of values on them and being hurtful just because they are not me and think like me, well, I do apologize..... :duck: