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Zeus has been tested positive for Crypto


New member
After submitting his last regurge of a hopper, the test results showed that he has crypto. I'm was very sad to hear the message on my answering machine last night, but then again we're finally relieved to know what caused the lump/regurges.

Zeus is still very active and will strike at a hopper w/o hesitation. He still loves being held and does't seem weak when I handle him. Since he's not holding down food he only weighs in at 97 grams (35" long). Only the lump, which changes size (sometimes almost not recognizable), is the only visual indication of his illness.

Our options now are either to euthanize him, or start him on medication (Tri? something... I can't remember the name of it). My vet is giving us either option, but I'm considering trying out the medication. If I see improvements within a few weeks, i.e. no regurges and weight gain, then I'll continue. If not, then we'll have to put him down. There is a chance that he may recover, but still carry the crypto parasite.

Anyone know of any cases where a corn has survived after being treated for crypto?

Trimethsulfa? I think it is the sulfas that have been the treatment of choice for crypto.
I don't believe that it is a very expensive drug.

Everything I have read says that, to date, there have been no cures in snakes.

I don't know what your mind set is. My first choice is always to at least give treatment a try. Perhaps with that and other supportive care he can do well for a long time.

Since this is a possibility for any of us that keep reptiles, I am grateful to you for sharing. Please keep us informed of your decision and how the situation progresses. Also, have you been doing any further research on this disease for treatment ideas?
Out of curiosity do you know how he got crypto? I'm just curious because I've never had a run-in with it and don't know that much about it. I hope that everything works out for you.

I don't envy your decision but it shouldn't be a question

I hate to be the one that screams "the sky is falling" but Crypto is probably the #1 fear of experienced hobbyists. Crypto is highly contagious and very hard to kill off in reptiles. It can, and often does, make its way through entire collections in a very short time frame. There have been more than a few occurrences in which large scale breeders and hobbyists have had to put down every animal they own because of it.

I'm only speaking for myself here but an infected animal wouldn't still be in my house by the time the sun went down tonight. Next, I would toss out (not clean or sanitize, thrown away) any container, instrument, bowl or cage accessory that came anywhere near that animal as quickly as possible.

A couple of suggestions:

1) If you desire to keep the animal I would get a second opinion and make sure that there wasn't a misdiagnosis.

2) Do you have any other reptiles? They are highly at risk for infection as well. DO NOT handle the other animals or use any husbandry equipment that might have been used on the sick animal.

3) Was this animal a recent acquisition? If so, you might want to immediately notify the person you got the animal from of the vet's prognosis. If it is recently arrived, there is a high probability that it came infected from the seller. *THIS IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO QUARANTINE!*

I know this is a pet and you have already developed a bond but this little nasty bug is no joke. I'd highly suggest putting it down ASAP. :(
Crypto is probably the #1 fear of experienced hobbyists.
Yeah, a couple years ago I had a female with a liver growth. I was freaked out at the thought of crypto, because she had matched those symptoms before I took her into the vet.

Is there anyone doing any kind of research on crypto? If so, perhaps he could be sent to them. It might help him, and possibly lots of other reptiles.

Also, what CAV said: if you got him from someone, especially recently, definitely let them know of his test results.

Let us know what happens with him.
Is using an acohol based hand sanitizer good enough? I mean, holding one snake, then sanitizing, then holding another? Or could the parasite live through that and possibly infect the other snake?
Hand Sanitizer isn't an effective prophilactic against Crypto.

The microscopic Cryptosporidium parasite is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside a host for long periods of time. This shell is what makes it so resistant to disinfectants.
coyote said:
Trimethsulfa? I think it is the sulfas that have been the treatment of choice for crypto.
I don't believe that it is a very expensive drug.

yes, that sounds familiar. the vet did mention the drug was not too expensive. all they had available were oral meds. i requested for injectable ones.

i will most likely give the drug treatment a chance. the vet did mention a daily 2 week plan then slowly decreasing the doses. she did mention zeus may be on the meds possibily up to 6 months (assuming we see improvements).

we'll just have to pray and keep our fingers crossed.

So how do you protect your snakes from getting it if the hand sanitizers don't work? ~,~ Stuff like this scares me ~,~
Hand washing. It removes germs, viruses and bacteria, rather than just attempting to kill them.
Good, soapy, warm handwashing, just like mom said;)
--But that's in addition to the quarantine, of course.
Well.. am doing a 30 day quarantine, even tho I know hes from an awesome breeder, just in case he caught something at the airport or on the plane... not likely, but hey.. better safe than sorry.

What worries me is that I hold Hunter, wash my hands, then hold Treasure.. but I realized they both touch my clothes, and my hair, and my keyboard... so really is my careful hand washing helping anything? *bonks head on desk*
Time to get naked and wash the bod in between :) I think you can only do so much to protect your collection. I was hands and arms in between handling my snakes, and I don't mix feeding tongs and such with my new snake. Other than that, you could make yourself crazy worrying about it.
I believe that part of the successful infectivity of cryptosporidis is due to fomite transmission. Fomites being your clothes, hair, storage containers, feeding instruments, towels, counter tops, trash can lids, shoes, ANY object that the snake, its waste or any regurgitated matter has made contact with. In many households that would be a lot of things.

Personally, I would be crazy with anxiety.
Effective hand washing for hygiene requires at least 20 seconds to accomplish. And, it is impossible to remove all the matter that can cling to cuticles, under and around fingernails, and to jewelry. You need to scrub with a brush, not simply lather up and rinse off.

If you are handling snakes and they are wrapping around your arms, you have to scrub your arms too.

Surgeons scrub, with brushes, up to the elbows.
How long does it take for signs of Crypto to show up? Fairly sure that it would have shown up in the 9 months I've had Treasure... but if I got a hatchling, months? Years?

And yes, I am driving myself nuts trying to keep them safe! Lab coats are my friend!
PtDnsr said:
Out of curiosity do you know how he got crypto? I'm just curious because I've never had a run-in with it and don't know that much about it. I hope that everything works out for you.


i really don't know? a couple of months ago we began getting mice from a pet store down the street instead of our usual place. i wonder if it's possible to get it from feeder mice that had been exposed to it.

first dose tonight

zeus gets his first dose of medicine tonight. it's called Tribrissen (trimethoprim/sulfa).

i hope he shows some improvements over the next couple of weeks.


Zeus completed his 2 week daily dose of Tribrissen. He still seemed strong when held, but his appearance definitely shows signs of weight loss. There is still a slight bump still present around his stomach area, but not as bad as before the meds. About 5 days ago, I fed him a fuzzie. No regurge, and he did poop a few days later after soaking him in warm water, so that's a good sign. Yesterday, I fed him another fuzzie (these guys are tiny!) and he ate it pretty quick. I'm hoping he holds this one down too. We're also continuing his meds, but now only twice a week. So far so good!
