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Snakes & Other Pets In The Same House


New member
I'm soon going to be getting a corn. We have 2 cats in the house now.
First I wouldn't interact a snake with my cat directly. My concern is with the snake in the tank and my cat outside the tank.
Our 4th bedroom is our office. That's where the snake will be kept. My one cat is my suck. Follows me around everywhere and when I'm working in the office has to be on the chair beside me.
My cat is pretty laid back. It's been in contact with other small animals and couldn't really care. The worse thing it would do is sit there and look at it.
I just don't want to stress the snake.
A friend had an iguana and a cat and they got along. They'd chase each other around (iguana's can be quite fast). In the summer when the sun was shinning in through the sliding glass doors both would be sunning inches apart. They got along great.
Of course a snake is different just wondering on the effects.
Hmm, I guess it would depend on the cat. There is a member here who has posted pics of their dog WEARING a snake as a necklace: very cute. My dogs could care less what I've got in my hands.
My two cats think snakes are fine entertainment. They sit and watch like its t.v. My dog herds them away, knowing that mommy doesn't want the cats bugging the snakes. You want to be careful if you have a screen top where a cat can jump on top. I use a squirt gun on my cats when they are too near the tanks, and this deters them only when I'm around. (Smart cats.)
The thing about corns is that most of the time, especially during the day, they are hiding and wont see the cats anyway. At night when you go to sleep, you can close the door so the cats wont be unsupervised to bug them when they come out and about. So everything works out well.
I think kimbyra is completely right. I just got my first snake this morning and so far only one of my cats has noticed him in the viv. She is curious, but it is like she is watching tv. She gets real close to the glass and just follows the snake with her eyes. She hasn't attempted to get on top of the viv yet, but I do have a spray bottle handy (use it to mist the enclosures) just in case! My roommate - CaptBogart - has racks in his room as well, and his cat loves to sit in there and just watch the snakes cruise around. I am pretty sure (at least with my cat) that after a while she will get bored and not even pay attention to him anymore! :)
I've got 4 cats in my house, and so far no problems. One of them in particular seems to be pretty facinated with the snake. She sleeps on top of viv, and watches him when he's cruising.

As for the snake, he seems like he could care less about them. If i have him out, and the cats come near, he'll give them a quick glance and go about his business.

All in all, no real problems.
a cat, a rabbit, other snakes, lizards, scorpions, tarantulas and much more in my house... the cat would much rather bother the bunny or the beardies before paying any attention to the snakes...
My cats are pretty mellow. They would only be allowed in the room when I was there.
Just didn't want to stress the snake with a cat sitting next to the tank checking him out.
With 50 snakes and 5 cats the cats actually are more help then harm; if it wasnt for them I probably wouldnt of found half the escaped ones. Right now they dont even care about the snakes anymore, theyre around them do much and have been thrown across the room enough to know its really nothing they should get worked up about. The snakes are so used to the scent and sights of cat they dont care really either. I've had my burm and a few cats sleeping on the same bed together, of course I never recommend that unless you totally know the snake and cats.
I also don't have a problem with my cat and the snakes. When I have the snake out, I keep a close eye on the cat, but other than sniffing occasionally, she's never tried to bother any of them. She does like to sit and watch them though, just like T.V. like ArpeggioAngel said.
cat, fox/german shepherd mix, 2 corns and 4 hampsters...

dog hates everything, cat hates dog, cat loves snakes, snakes hate hampsters but otherwise its going good hahaha
Dogs don't care, the cats think they're lunch. They aren't allowed in the snake room and my amel got a nice piece of pegboard put over the screen lid to keep fat cats from crashing thru the wire.
A snake in the viv won't be a problem, so long as you make sure the cat can't open it (both my cats have learnt how to open various doors around the house.)

The only concern I would have with snakes / cats together is I wouldn't handle hatchlings unless the cats are locked out the room. They're quick, and if they shoot off your hands a cat will make a grab. Natural hunting instincts kick in. I have seen both my cats playing with slowworms (which are like snakes) in my garden before, so don't think a cat won't go for them. ;)
DaemoNox said:
I've had my burm and a few cats sleeping on the same bed together, of course I never recommend that unless you totally know the snake and cats.

I know I shouldn't do this... I'm gonna get a new one torn... but I have to. If there is one recurring theme on this board, it is "snakes are unpredictable" (which I agree with). What is our response to people that say they co-habitate? They face the risk of cannibalism, which doesn't happen very ofter, and is unpredictable. Everyone also gets upset when a new owner says that they will "take the risk", or "they know their snakes" and that will never happen to them. That's about the time the firing line enters and makes swiss cheese out of them. Why, then, is it ok for a veteran snake owner to let his burm and cats sleep together and no one comments. If I would have written something like that, 12 of you would have jumped my case. I'm going to say the same thing that is said to everyone else (and was even said to me in the beginning): You can't possibly "know" your snake well enough to ensure any certain behavior out of it. I'm sure I'm going to get attached for my input, but I don't care. It's hypocritical.
I guess it would depend on the cat. Our cat "Poe" seems very content to lie around on top of the vivs to take naps and to get the warmth from the vivs. The most thing he does is look down into them to watch the snakes. Sometimes it seems like the snakes are more interested in him...lol

Jay & PJ :cool:


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i've got 3 dogs and 3 cats. one of the dogs will lay on my bed and just watch the snakes in their tanks. it's like TV to her.
the other dog likes to check out the snakes when i handle them. he's a hound dog, he likes to check everything out. he just sniffs them and then will watch them move around.
the 3rd dog could care less, she's more interested in things that squeak and herding the cats around. if the snakes squeaked she might care.
the cats are mostly outdoors. they come in at night but havent bothered the snakes any. they lay on top of the turtles' tank. but that tank has a light hood. the cats lay on it because it's warm.
i am cautious though, when i have the snakes out of their vivs i dont let the cats in the room. i've seen the cats hunt lizards and bugs and whatever else moves quick. the cats are quicker than the prey. i just know that if Guinness got out of my hands the cats wouldnt hesitate to grab him. so i dont risk it.
I didn't comment because I missed that one. I would never let a cat and a snake sleep together. Never, never, never. They are predators of two different species. Good point to bring up. Then again, I am really not trying to start a showdown. I am so tired of them. Just use common sense. :)
btw, a cat sleeping ON TOP of a closed cage is obviously not a problem, as long as he doesn't fall through or bug the snake. I was commenting before on the burmese and cats. Though I still have issues with cohabitation...