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Snakes & Other Pets In The Same House

you should definitly make sure the cat can't get onto the screen top. A few years ago when i had a corn, one of my cats got on top of the screen top and it broke and i came up into my room and the snake was crawling out of the top :eek: and was about a third of the way out but luckily i came up there. I had to super glue the screen back on to the top where it broke. Now i keep my corns where the cats cant get up on top of the cages.
Tyger9791 said:
i wouldnt let my cat sleep in the tank with my snake...thats my opinion on cohabitation.

I mean, after all, what would the children look like?! :eek1:
cats and snakes

I have 8 cats and 5 dogs.
One of my dogs got a little too close one time and got bit on the nose. She usually leaves when I get a snake out.
One of my dogs hangs out with me whenever I am checking the snakes or beardies and will sniff them if I hold them up to him but otherwise he just wants to spend time with me.
My lab doesn't really care one way or the other but would probably like to bite one just to see what it tastes like.
The other two dogs just don't care.
now for the cats, they don't care about the snakes when they are in the tanks. A couple of them will lay on the tanks for warmth but otherwise just don't seem interested.
If I have one of the snakes out and the cats see it move this will draw a little attention but not much.
They look at it like "you know, I'm too lazy to come over there but if you were to move a little closer I might take a swipe at that thing"
Kitty said:
I mean, after all, what would the children look like?! :eek1:
:roflmao: Good one!

I had a cat go through the screen top of a lizard tank a few years back. everyone turned out okay, but that scared me.

I had a cat go swimming with some turtles one time.
He hit the water and somehow jumped out of the aquarium and hit the floor before he hardly got wet.
It was funny as hell.
I had the top of the tank off to do some cleaning. Milo, the cat, was used to to sleeping on top of the tank so he jumped up to take a nap. OOPS no top...lol
Two of my cats could care less about the snakes. The one that does have an interest, has more of an interest in stealing mice and pinkies from my pile. He leaves most of the snakes alone, ever since one of my big amels decided he would make a tasty snack and tagged him pretty good when he got a little too close.
When they had access to the tanks (they don't any more) my cats liked to sleep on top of them for the warmth as well. :)

None of my tanks are screen-top type so no problems there.

Having said that, the current cats are really mellow. I'm not sure either of them ever noticed there were even snakes in there!

But .... I cat me and my sister owned about 10 years ago used to go MENTAL trying to get into the single viv I had at the time. He'd claw away like crazy at the corners of the glass front trying to get in. He never did, I used a lock in those days. That cat was a psycho though .... :)
My cat Sabine sits there very serious, watching and waiting. My cat Bubbles has been trying to get the snakes out. (Shes only in there when I am btw.) Most of my snakes are in my bedroom. I woke up hearing a noise - Bubbles was on top of a screen cage trying to pull up the screen with her claws. I have a water gun on my night stand so I got her good. :madeuce:
She hasn't done that since, but good thing I'm a light sleeper.
I have two cats and they are only allowed in the room when I am in there and even then, I keep a close eye on them as most of the time it is when I take Freya out.
They seem intrigued by her smell, have a quick look but are more interested in the bag of substrate that I have by the tank...LOL
My cat is far less cool about my new snake. I have two but only one likes critters and while I've had everything from rats to bunnies he seems to see the 14" snake as a self propelled shoe string.

The snake doesn't seem bothered when she's in the cage but if I'm holding her she gets real tense if the cats are around. I'd just watch how the snake reacts and take cues from that.
My cats are a PITA when it comes to my snakes. They go crazy and 'paw' at the snakes through the glass when they are cruising. They ignore the spray bottles. Now I suspect its more for my attention then anything, so now I ignore them and its kinda working. They used to sit on top of the vivs, but I arranged them so they can no longer do that :)