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Ultra(mel) Anery


Too many yet too few!!!
this is my female 07 ultra(mel) anery, it unknown whether she is an ultramel or an ultra because she was produced from breeding an ultramel het anery with the same.

she was bred by Marc Vervest (mvervest) and is stunning!!

as soon as she is of breedable size she will be bred to an amel or het amel to test her genetics.

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I wish you lived a little closer! My Ultramel Anery male would just love to get to know her a little bit better... ;)

You're not planning on a vacation to Finland on 2010, are you? :D
i dont think she will be big enough to breed this year but in spring 2010 i expect to breed a miami het amel hypo poss het anery to her.

unless i find anything more interesting to breed to her...
here are some updated pictures of her, she shed last night!!

and currently weighs in at just over 100g. she is eating a mixture of rats and mice and is growing well on it.


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hmm, is it an amel stripe?? i am sure she would love that..... lol

if it is just a plain amel i expect that she will think it below her, i am sure that she is not impressed at my choice of a mate for her.

and thanks, she is looking rather good!
hmm, is it an amel stripe?? i am sure she would love that..... lol

if it is just a plain amel i expect that she will think it below her, i am sure that she is not impressed at my choice of a mate for her.

and thanks, she is looking rather good!

He's an amel with a few ziggyzaggys, but no stripe... sadly... I've got a charcoal het amel stripe, though! haha.
oh that would do fine, i expect she would love to meet the charcoal........ LOL

luckily i will have some more exciting breedings planned for her for 2010, plenty of males to choose from!!
oh that would do fine, i expect she would love to meet the charcoal........ LOL

luckily i will have some more exciting breedings planned for her for 2010, plenty of males to choose from!!

LOL. I know the feeling! My girls all have future boyfriends (even the '08s!), and some are gonna have to share... lol.
yea, the first year breeding on all my 08 females have been sorted.... second year breeding have not been decided on yet, i suppose it depends on what else i get and how the first breeding goes.

thanks for all the kind comments, i will be sure to pass them on!!