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Ultra(mel) Anery

Here are some Photos of her from this afternoon, she shed yesterday and now weighs ~180g.

P2030005 mod.jpg

P2030013 mod.jpg

P2030015 mod.jpg

P2030016 mod.jpg

P2030017 mod.jpg

Thanks for looking.
So she's ready to breed next year. Have you already decided the future mate for her?

Too bad my amel aztec 66% poss. het. anery male might not be big enough next year. He would've been a great choise as he's got solid aztec pattern all the way down from neck to tail and he has the best personality ever. You might have got nice aztec-patterned amels, ultramels and maybe even ultramel aneries and snows! ;)
well, He will Probably be put with my Male Miami het amel hypo poss. het. anery as he is my only adult male known to carry amel.

The following years will depend on whether she is an ultra or an ultramel, hopefully an ulttra although i am now expecting her to be an ultramel. Just look at those ruby eyes and the pale colouration.
I'm very curious to see what kind of an influence will miami have on ultramel based morphs. I've wondered that myself too. Do you have a pic of the male? I'd love to see the future dad. ;)

She still seems to be a bit darker than my ultramel anery male, who by the breeder is also poss. het. hypo, but the eyes definitely are the same. I'd bet for ultramel anery, although the discussion here hase proved that the eye coloration can vary quite extremely among both ultramel aneries and ultra aneries.
i don't think i have any on this computer so will take some when i next have the chance, that might take a couple weeks though.