MBK's rule! My partner/son just said tonight as we were doing "snake-work" that he wanted an all black snake...I told him the Thayeri's we bought might hatch one or two, but that's about 2-3 years down the line...so..........
ps) What are their temperments like. The kings I have now seem to come out and explore, much more often during the day than my corns.
I find MBKs to be more milder than other Kings. they can get nippy during feeding time but other than that, they are pretty calm. IMHO I think they are the nicest of the kings, I currently now have 2.3.
Now on the other hand, and old member here had a very mean one. She had an aggressive male. She eventually sold it off since it was no longer in her breeding plans. But you can get an aggressive one, kinda like corns. Most are calm but there is that one that you get that is aggressive.
Now the other snakes that are black:
Black Rats: but here some times you may only get a chocolate brown one instead of a Black snake.
Black Milks: Awesome snakes. I had a huge 6 plus foot male. These guys have a different feel to them, they feel like silk. Also have a more bluish sheen to them instead of the solid black. And plus they start out Tri colored as well and grow to black.
Black Pines: Another all black snake that gets to a good size. A bit thicker than the milk and a great snake. But like all Pits, they will have attitude and hiss and holler at you.
South African Mole Snakes: These are hard to come by here in the US. I have not seen any. And if you do find them odds are they are w/c and imports. But they get the size of indigos.
And finally Indigos. Incredible snakes that are poop machines. But just down right amazing. And are on the endangered species list. If you want one you will have to get a permit to have it shipped to you.
Now all of these snakes I have mentioned are all over 6 feet. Yes, they are big and lengthy snakes.
Now the smallest are MBKs. In my opinion are the best ones to go with. They are smaller than the others. They are a Glossy JET Black.
Easy to care for and fairly cheap. They can range in price from $30-$60. IMHO, if you see them for more.. I think you are paying to much. Like I said, I have seen and paid for hatchlings at $30 locally.