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Forum members moving items out of general chat


I has nuttin to Say.
I am not sure if this is intended but I am thinking some thing abusive is going on here.
I have not noticed a member here, who is constantly creating threads in General Chit Chat and then moving them into their personal forum once they do not like what is going on in that thread.
I thought a forum owner only had that power in their own thread and not in General chit Chat. And to be fair, if people disagree with that person, its like having a Mod who is doing their own thing on this board.

It makes me start to be come pretty uneasy coming to this site seeing actions like this.
damn my engwish.

But basically, I am seeing a lot of items that are being moved around from General Chit chat back to personal forums and back again. The member has stated they don’t get that much attention in their forum.

Should this actually be fair for this to happen? I only thought that the Global mods were the only ones able to do that?
Well, I think that a forum owner should be able to move a long-dead pic thread to their own forum for the sake of consolidation/organization. But the recent example DOES seem abusive, and it's not the first time I've seen such abuse. Still, I'm not sure that anything can be done about it. And after all, we're not talking about manipulation of critical court documents or anything like that...
And why exactly is that a problem if it is only their own threads they are moving?
On the flip side, at least they can only do it only with threads that they started. Honestly, anyone who responds to one of those posts should know what they are up against anyway. :shrugs: People might get moved and then edited, but if they haven't learned by now it's hard to feel sorry for them. If you don't like it, you know who's threads to stay away from. Much might not get through to this person but I think less attention would work better than what a lot of others have been trying.
Personally, I prefer it that the particular member moves his attention mongering threads to his own forum. It makes it easier on me to ignore them. I'm just upset that he got his own forum and I can't have him on real "ignore" anymore.
Personally, I prefer it that the particular member moves his attention mongering threads to his own forum. It makes it easier on me to ignore them. I'm just upset that he got his own forum and I can't have him on real "ignore" anymore.

You just need a bigger IGNORE button!!! :roflmao:
One can always copy and paste posts, restart the thread in chitchat and paste the posts in. As was mentioned, forum owners can only move their own threads, if you make your post first it should be safe.
Just a guess, that non-abusive ways around this perceived problem that don't involve mod time should not show up on the radar any more than the original moved post.
It makes me start to be come pretty uneasy coming to this site seeing actions like this.

Really??? Why?? What are you worried about? What terrible thing might happen?

If this person is such an attention monger maybe what we should do is be sure to post lots on his threads so they will go on and on and we should start new threads and talk about his threads.

We could all stamp our feet and tattle to Rich about how immature this person is. And then we could follow him around and make snide derogatory comments every time he says anything. That will teach him. Or her, I don’t really know who we are talking about here with all the code and encryption stuff.
And why exactly is that a problem if it is only their own threads they are moving?

Jealousy from people that don't pay for the right to be able to do so, maybe? LOL. Seriously, though, the ability to move a thread into my forum is a reason why I pay for the forum. It's a service from the website that made the cost more than reasonable for me. I'd hate to see that changed, Rich.

Moving threads INTO a personal forum seems a lot more important than moving threads OUT of a personal forum. Just my thought on the matter.....and probbaly worse less than 2 cents.

it's not the first time I've seen such abuse.

Sometimes what you think is abuse is only "abuse" in your own head.....lol. For example, you jumped on me for doing it a couple of minutes after a thread was created without a single post made before the move being touched......and that was just (as I personally saw it) an attempt at throwing weight around to stop something that WASN'T against the rules. Sorry, Roy, but that is how I saw it then. I don't mean this as an attack, and I don't hold a grudge over it. I'm sure you know that. There was no harm done nor was any foul done. Plus, I don't bite my tongue well if I were really mad over it. I don't know who is moving threads now or why - I don't care. They PAID for the ability to do so. This is a sore point with me, so I didn't want to just sit on the sidelines and watch it happen. (For the record, I can't say that I've had the desire to move a thread around since then.)

If I don't like it, I just won't post in any thread they start again! It's as simple as that.
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I don't really have a problem that a forum owner can move a thread. But when threads get posted in "general chit-chat" that are bound to draw negative reactions, perhaps the OP might want to consider using their own forum to post the original thread in the first place. That way, if people start sounding off and the forum owner doesn't like the way the thread is progressing, they have the right to lock it up. JMO
That is a good point. The moving of a thread should not be used to censor discussions you don't like.
I can understand the need/want to move certain threads into your own personal forum, but what gets really irritating is when it gets moved to a personal forum, then moved back out to the general forums, then back into the personal forum and back and forth like that several times, just because the person doesn't like the way it is going. I've only ever seen one member do this back and forth, back and forth type of thing and that has been very recent.

KJ the person that I believe was the catalyst for starting this thread, was actually gifted their personal forum, they didn't actually pay for it themselves, so I feel that in a way they've been abusing the priviledge, if it's the person I'm thinking of.
I can understand the need/want to move certain threads into your own personal forum, but what gets really irritating is when it gets moved to a personal forum, then moved back out to the general forums, then back into the personal forum and back and forth like that several times, just because the person doesn't like the way it is going. I've only ever seen one member do this back and forth, back and forth type of thing and that has been very recent.

KJ the person that I believe was the catalyst for starting this thread, was actually gifted their personal forum, they didn't actually pay for it themselves, so I feel that in a way they've been abusing the priviledge, if it's the person I'm thinking of.

Exactly. I tend to agree with KJUN that sometimes it might be warranted, and it's not against site rules, and that if people paid for the ability to do it, then c'est la vie. But we've never had anyone play around with that ability before--perhaps that's because all the other forum owners are grown-ups who did, in fact, buck up and pay for the privilege, rather than having it handed to them by someone else.
KJ the person that I believe was the catalyst for starting this thread, was actually gifted their personal forum, they didn't actually pay for it themselves, so I feel that in a way they've been abusing the priviledge, if it's the person I'm thinking of.

Ahhhh. Thanks. I really didn't know WHO it was. I just knew it wasn't me......lol. If they are moving it back and forth, then even I say they might be bending the rules. Now I know more of the background. ;)
The moving of threads doesn't really bother me.... They still show up if you press New post and every one can do it... Even new members, can move posts about as long as they started them.....
Locking them is what gets to me.......
The moving of threads doesn't really bother me.... They still show up if you press New post and every one can do it... Even new members, can move posts about as long as they started them.....
Locking them is what gets to me.......

I don't think new members, without contributer status, can move their own threads or posts about, I don't believe they even have editing privileges either. Now contributors can edit, but I didn't know they could move their threads around as well, I thought that was for personal forum owners and moderators/admin only, but I could be wrong, I've never tried moving a thread I've started, so I can't say for sure :shrugs:
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I can move stuff???? Oooowww, I'm feeling somewhat omnipotent right now! LOL:dancer: Now all I need to do is start a controversial, juvenile or soap operaesque thread.:nope:

I can move stuff???? Oooowww, I'm feeling somewhat omnipotent right now! LOL:dancer: Now all I need to do is start a controversial, juvenile or soap operaesque thread.:nope:


I've always had the nagging feeling that you may just be omnipotent anyway. I've never had the cajones to challenge...