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Forum members moving items out of general chat

I don't think new members, without contributer status, can move their own threads or posts about, I don't believe they even have editing priviliges either. Now contributors can edit, but I didn't know they could move their threads around as well, I thought that was for personal forum owners and moderators/admin only, but I could be wrong, I've never tried moving a thread I've started, so I can't say for sure :shrugs:
I thought it was available to every member, but not much point in doing ....
We need a non contributor to look under the flap......
Mike, I took a look at a thread I started, and the only thread options I have are "Show Printable Version", "E-Mail This Page", "Subscribe to this thread", and "Add a poll to this thread".
I thought it was available to every member, but not much point in doing ....
We need a non contributor to look under the flap......

Non-contributors don't have editing function. I looked around and can't see where we can move our threads, either. But then, when I used to be a contributor, I never saw where I could move my threads, so maybe I'm not the best person to check on it. :shrugs:
Non-contributors don't have editing function. I looked around and can't see where we can move our threads, either. But then, when I used to be a contributor, I never saw where I could move my threads, so maybe I'm not the best person to check on it. :shrugs:
I thought if you started a thread, when you looked in thread tools it allowed you to move threads to different sections....
I thought if you started a thread, when you looked in thread tools it allowed you to move threads to different sections....
I have looked, and that is the case. Never knew that, or had need to, until this thread.

IMHO, believe it or not, I really come here to the forum to read more than post. My only complaint on this subject is continuity. For example, a post I respond to in detail...disappearing, or a post I get repped on...disappearing. Or just a post in a fluidly enough flowing thread being edited to the hilt, or disappearing altogether. It completely ruins the narrative.
I rarely edit my own posts much, a word here, grammar, spelling, punctuation. And have posted some pretty whacko/ill-worded/ill-conceived things...that as the thread progressed I was able to clarify or make amends for. (That, theoretically, is the virtue of language skills in action.)
And I have alluded to this to the party we are discussing. I'm afraid however, that this is approaching non-moderate-able territory. I mean, some people have manners, some don't. You can't micro-moderate interwebz etiquette. As many have already suggested, declining to acknowledge negative behaviors is probably the best/only tool at hand.

EDIT : I run a halfway house with about 50 guys, 18-60, who are as charming and crafty and crooked as they come. There is always a way (for those that exert themselves in such things) over, under, or around the rules. There does not exist a blanket rule in many areas, and a broader, more general awareness seems much more useful. I use this somewhat as my reference point on this subject.
Ok, as a plain old contributor, I just went and found a recent thread I started and looked in thread tools, yes there is a button to move the thread. I then went back to an older thread, where I've lost the edit button (I believe you lose that after about 30 days) and that still has the move thread button too.........Hmmm interesting.......I don't dare try it though, knowing my luck it would get lost in space or something ;)

I think the only time I would consider using that function is if I started a thread in the wrong forum........I also rarely edit my posts, unless for spelling errors that I spot later, or to add info but then I usually add that I've edited and for what reason.
Ok, as a plain old contributor, I just went and found a recent thread I started and looked in thread tools, yes there is a button to move the thread. I then went back to an older thread, where I've lost the edit button (I believe you lose that after about 30 days) and that still has the move thread button too.........Hmmm interesting.......I don't dare try it though, knowing my luck it would get lost in space or something ;)

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That's all I got!!
I don't know what is going on, but the crap WILL cease.

I just banned a member for 1 year that evidence pointed to having hijacked snakemaster24's account here.

The people who paid for David's contributor membership and his personal forum were refunded their money. David's account has been put into limbo for an undetermined amount of time. I may ban him for a year as well to give him some growing up time before he can return.

I try to give everyone a lot of freedom here, but when that starts edging over into abuse of everyone's patience and enjoyment of participating on this site, well it sometimes becomes necessary to put my foot down.
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That's all I got!!

Yes, that's what I get and then a little extra on the bottom, saying

Moderation tools (in black)
Move this post
Copy this post
Perform action

But I didn't know they were there until now ;)
Yes, that's what I get and then a little extra on the bottom, saying

Moderation tools (in black)
Move this post
Copy this post
Perform action

But I didn't know they were there until now ;)

shhhhh don't tell anyone your have the power!!!
I try to give everyone a lot of freedom here, but when that starts edging over into abuse of everyone's patience and enjoyment of participating on this site, well it sometimes becomes necessary to put my foot down. (emphasis mine)

That seems quite reasonable. And, I think it's good that you said that out loud, as it's a grey area, but one we can all be mindful of and stay on the "right" side of, I am sure.
I knew it was ther ages ago..... But where are you going to move thing to..... The wrong section?? It's handy for people who post Boas in the photo gallery, they could move their own post instead of waiting for a mod...... But it seems most don't know it's there........
BTW I also use other functions that this site provides...... Seems I have spent too long here with no one to talk to, so I played..... LOL