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Snake eating a fish pics


Unregistered User
My friend studies bats at MU in Columbia, MO, and while out on a trip she came across this snake (don't know what kind) munching down on a fish. Pretty cool to see, I thought. Anyone know what kind of snake this is?


  • mine 011-1.jpg
    mine 011-1.jpg
    137.6 KB · Views: 291
That is the coolest.

I've never seen a snake eat a fish before. I've seen a turtle and a lizard do it but never a snake.

Thanks for sharing any body else got some pictures like that?

I find it extremely interesting that the snake is eating the fish tail-first! You would think it would be easier to do it head-first because of the scales.
Susan, my first thought wasn't due to the scales, but the dorsal fin. I wonder what type of fish that is (as well as the snake) because most of the fish we have in our lakes up here in ND have a spiney dorsal fin, and that is not conducive to swallowing backwards!

garter snakes eat fish, thats not a garter snake, but sum1 said they had never seen a snake eat a fish, buy a garter and all ull be able to buy it is goldfish lol. i bet its cool to watch tho, cos u put the fish in the water bowl (alive) and the garter snaps it out ...
Looks like a water snake to me. You supposedly have 5 different species and one subspecies in Missouri. I looked at the ranges and it's probably the same type as the one's that live here (Ohio), the Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon sipedon). Ours aren't nearly as vibrant though. Most of the water snakes here are very dark so that you can barely make out the pattern. But then again different localities look different.
Thanks for the info, Amanda. I lightened up those pictures quite a bit in Photoshop so you could see what was going on. So I'm not sure how bright his colors/pattern really are.
My first snake (I believe I was 12) died because he ate a goldfish backwards. Ate them head first for years, I don't know why he tried doing it different. :confused:
all I know is that I wouldn't want to have to cleen up after that guy if you know what I mean.

I've heard that when snakes eat eggs or fish that the excrement is... less than pleasant.:sidestep:
J_Daniels said:
I've heard that when snakes eat eggs or fish that the excrement is... less than pleasant.:sidestep:

Oh yeah! I cared for an injured water snake for a while last year and his feces were unbelievable. I don't know if it was because he was WC and possibly had parasites or if it was just the fish, but I could barely walk into the room after he had let loose. The feces were very runny and green as well.
ribbon snakes...

eat fishies, too. my first snake, herbert loooooved gold fish. watching a snake eat a fish is a lot cooler than watching them eat a mouse in my opinion
The fish

The fish that the water snake is eating is a Yellow Perch.
I once saw a copperhead eating a small catfish.
My brother and I were fishing and saw it on the bank.
It was eating the catfish head first though.

hi i do agree, it looks like a northern watersnake ( nerodia sipedon, or aka nasty bite- snake ) lol there called nasty bite- snakes because they have long teeth and bite repeatedly. but yes ive seen snakes eat fish, i have 2 ribbon snakes (thamnophis sauritus aka long-tailed bush - snake) which mainly eat fish and sometimes frogs. i also had a garter snake but it died:( . but my ribbon snake fascinate me because they will eat fillets of fish and live ones 2. sometimes my ribbons eat the fish backwards and it doesnt hurt em. lol i guess they swallow it which ever way they can get it first.....
I think there are to many strips for it to be a yellow perch it may be a log perch. See attached photo. Yea I am freak.


  • fish54.jpg
    4.4 KB · Views: 69
Dredging another one up from the deep:

I used to keep those snakes as a kid. Looks like a northern water snake to me too. Anyway, yes their poop does stink. It doesn't smell like poop and it doesn't smell like fish. But it is nasty. Lots of white powder in it when it dries too.

I watched mine try to swallow a bluegill backwards. He got to the dorsal fin spines and couldn't go any further. He quickly let go and grabbed the head and swallowed it the right way. So I guess they know what they're doing.

I gave mine a frog and he didn't know what to do with it. Started swallowing it backwards but gave up and the frog got away :). Gave him a mouse and he completely ignored it. But drop a flopping fish in the cage, and he would come flying at it from across the cage and tackle it.
From your post it seems like you know that this thread is a year old. So my Question is why bring it back? I don't think any one is sill looking for a reply to this one. :sidestep: :cheers:
J_Daniels said:
WOW, what a great description! :D
Exactly. But hopefully next time there'll be pictures because I don't think that this description was quite clear enough. :puke01: