Not intending to re-open old topics heedlessly, but I wanted to thank the many people here who took their time and spent their effort to educate newcomers like me on co-habitating. When we got our most recent females, the pet store said it would be okay to co-hab them (note that the manager we spoke to owns reptiles, and does co-hab his own female corns until adolescence...with the caveat that they need to be watched for issues, and once they were older, they needed separated)
After reading this entire thread...which was less-than-pleasant at times, I realize that I really don't want to co-hab our girls...just-in-case. It's all well and good for those who do with no problems, but it's a lot cheaper to set up another habitat (we actually had all but a UTH for a fourth viv) than to buy another snake if one of our babies dies. Plus there's the whole...I really adore my snakes and want what's best for them.
So, yes the search function works really well, and thank you to those who feel passionately enough to take the time to educate those in need.