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2011 Lowbelly Update

Carol, we are still interested in obtaining a top-shelf Miami hatchling this year. We would prefer a normal banded pattern. Let us know if/when some become available!
Hey Carol,

Do you think you will have any het sunkissed cinders available?

Nope. :( The whole clutch went bad except for one.

Carol, we are still interested in obtaining a top-shelf Miami hatchling this year. We would prefer a normal banded pattern. Let us know if/when some become available!

And I still want one or two of the thick bordered Miamis, when they're ready :).

My Miami clutch and the Thick Bordered Miami clutch are pipping now so I should have news for you ladies in about a month. :) The first scouts look very nice. :)
Woot! Now, THAT'S exciting!

What's going on with the zombie parents' eggs? Anything coming along, there? I'm interested to see if that white head passes down through the generations. What cool looking animals!
Some babies are showing Zombie heads already and some aren't. But it can develop over time so I still have no idea how it is inherited.