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2012 Pairings

dave partington

Crazy Dave
This list is by no means complete and may change a little bit. So many genes floating around. One of these days I'd like to hit a target.

Hypo Sunkissed X Blood Anery Stripe het hypo, amel
Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & anery X Ultra SK mot p/het stripe
Landrace Lava X Lavender Ghost (mot) Stripe

Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & aneryA X unrelated Anery Blood Motley het stripe, hypo, amel

Pewter het hypo, caramel, lavender, anery a X Hypo Lavender het blood (X2)
Pewter above X Hypo Pewter

o8M6 green coral snow X Kate Moss (ultramel/ultramel lavender paradox)
08M6 X Bubblegum Corn

08M10 coral snow X Poppy Pink Snow (het or homo coral)

PP Miami (classic with a mess of coral genes) X Snow Stripe Mot het blood, anery b, hypo
PP Miami X Miss Speckles (a green blotched snow paradox)

Anery Widestripe X:
Anery Mot Stripe p/het dilute & blood
Anery Aztec het Lavender
Hypo Lavender Aztec het amel
Sunkissed het Anery
and maybe a few others.

And a few other projects. Looking forward to loads of hets for striped sunkissed. There will be extras.
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Barbara makes Tracks
It will be like christmas! Good Luck! Love is definately in the air at TTR also. Tom will have lots of pics to go through.
a couple more.
The white on the lava is reflection of light. There is no white on his dorsal.
The white on the amel is actual white on his skin.


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  • 2012PoppyCxBlRsh.jpg
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More targets for 2012:

Normal Tz
Coral Ghost

Vanishing Pattern (stripes which mostly ot fully vanish leaving lines of color)
Coral Snow
Salmon Snow
Salmon Ghost
Rev Okee (?)
Possibly Lavender
Possibly Sunspots too

Coral Ghosts
Salmon Snows
Coral Snows
Possibly Coral Ghosts
Bloody Coral Ghosts

Red Extremes (W/C Locality Type, not a recessive red)
F2 Red Extreme Outcrosses:
Anery Extremes
Anery Bloodred Extremes
Ultramel Extremes
Ultra Caramel Extremes
Ultra Butter Extremes
Lavender Vanishing Pattern X ACR 5431 Hypo het Lavender
curiousity prevails...and he is the only male lavender which is 'up to size'.


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    LavVPx5431 002w.jpg
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