dave partington
Crazy Dave
This list is by no means complete and may change a little bit. So many genes floating around. One of these days I'd like to hit a target.
Hypo Sunkissed X Blood Anery Stripe het hypo, amel
Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & anery X Ultra SK mot p/het stripe
Landrace Lava X Lavender Ghost (mot) Stripe
Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & aneryA X unrelated Anery Blood Motley het stripe, hypo, amel
Pewter het hypo, caramel, lavender, anery a X Hypo Lavender het blood (X2)
Pewter above X Hypo Pewter
o8M6 green coral snow X Kate Moss (ultramel/ultramel lavender paradox)
08M6 X Bubblegum Corn
08M10 coral snow X Poppy Pink Snow (het or homo coral)
PP Miami (classic with a mess of coral genes) X Snow Stripe Mot het blood, anery b, hypo
PP Miami X Miss Speckles (a green blotched snow paradox)
Anery Widestripe X:
Anery Mot Stripe p/het dilute & blood
Anery Aztec het Lavender
Hypo Lavender Aztec het amel
Sunkissed het Anery
and maybe a few others.
And a few other projects. Looking forward to loads of hets for striped sunkissed. There will be extras.
Hypo Sunkissed X Blood Anery Stripe het hypo, amel
Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & anery X Ultra SK mot p/het stripe
Landrace Lava X Lavender Ghost (mot) Stripe
Hypo Blood (mot) Stripe het amel & aneryA X unrelated Anery Blood Motley het stripe, hypo, amel
Pewter het hypo, caramel, lavender, anery a X Hypo Lavender het blood (X2)
Pewter above X Hypo Pewter
o8M6 green coral snow X Kate Moss (ultramel/ultramel lavender paradox)
08M6 X Bubblegum Corn
08M10 coral snow X Poppy Pink Snow (het or homo coral)
PP Miami (classic with a mess of coral genes) X Snow Stripe Mot het blood, anery b, hypo
PP Miami X Miss Speckles (a green blotched snow paradox)
Anery Widestripe X:
Anery Mot Stripe p/het dilute & blood
Anery Aztec het Lavender
Hypo Lavender Aztec het amel
Sunkissed het Anery
and maybe a few others.
And a few other projects. Looking forward to loads of hets for striped sunkissed. There will be extras.
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