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2003 UB313
We took Zeke in to be neutered today, and he weighed 66 lbs! I kid you not! LOL. It would have been cooler if he'd weight 66.6 lbs, but I'll take 66 anyway.
Lol, that's funny! Funnily enough today has been really lucky for me, even though I'm totally paranoid about the number 6, haha.
I find it funny, people are getting all worked up over this day as if God or the Devil follow our calender.
Someone put up a billboard that was basically trying to say "the end is nigh" because the date 6/6/06 was coming up... as if this date did not exist in any of the previous 20 centuries... :dunce:
I took tex to plan to get nuetered ! He is one month from today! Btw the numbers dont fall in the direct series !! I was scared alittle yesterday but thought hey,jesus is in my heart and its not the full mark of the beast!!! YAY! haha ,I want to see the movie!
DaemoNox said:
I find it funny, people are getting all worked up over this day as if God or the Devil follow our calender.
And some might argue that you could have sensibly left the last three words out of this sentence completely. ;)
What about the month of June in 1966?

That would have been the Devil's month :devil01:

Moooo hahahaha
Luke 12:40

I always shake my head when I see groups or individual christians try to tout something, and end up looking so stupid, and thus getting labeled as such! If they knew the bible as well as they should instead of using what little they know to live by, they'd see the error of their thinking. I see this way way way too many times! There are several verses in the bible, and passages actually devoted to this type of stupid thinking!

I'll just take one. Luke 12:40 KJV

Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

One small verse, and all I need to know NOT be be paranoid about whatever some bonehead has up his sleeve about the end of the world, ect, ect....

And there's another passage in the bible where it talks about people thinking they would just wait around for Jesus to return.... They were admonished and told to go on about their business and not to just be idle.

You won't find a passage anywhere in the bible where Jesus tells people to stockpile guns, ammo, water, loads of food, ect, for the end times. He said it clear as day above, and elsewhere in the bible that no man knoweth the hour. So it makes me laugh every time I hear someone's sure that some certain event, or events mean this is it! They've been doing that since Jesus' day, and ever since! So many are out to think that we are now in the age where it's going to happen. Well I don't feel that time is here yet. Just because so many people are expecting it, when the bible clearly says no one will expect it! Anyhow, just some food for thought straight out of the bible that too many people claim to stand behind.

Ok, time to get down off my pulpit...LOL!
.... and then volcanos explode, ice caps melt, the sky splits open and turns red, and the wailing begins....

Just kidding.

Sooo anyway, I had a nightmare last night about two of my hatchlings getting loose, and I tried to put them back in their cages, but they died and their heads were messed up and sort of flattened. I was woken up (at about 12:23pm) by my dog barking at my cat who was getting into something. My cat looked like it was after something, and I know my dog "herds" her away from snakes, so I looked for a snake and couldn't find one. I go take a head count of my snakes, (in my walk in closet with the door shut, but space under the door), and two hatchlings that were in shoeboxes were missing! After lifting the cages off of the shelves, one of the hatchlings was still there. I quickly put him in a more secure (locking) cage, as well as all of my others still in shoe boxes, and started looking around everywhere for the other one. I looked for over an hour. I still haven't found her. Now I'm at work all stressed out, and I didn't get much sleep as well. I can no longer claim I haven't had any escapes. 6/6/06 sucks.
Quick everybody look busy! Jesus is comeing! lol hahaha silly Christians, with their trees and bunnies and shotguns. lol
Just to make things clear, I really was woken up, and I really still do have a baby corn missing.
The devil stole your snake!! You can probably get him back with a few hail marys. j/k Im sorry I know how much it sucks to lose a snake. You usually come across them when you least expect it.
Wow, that last post didn't come out the way I wanted it to. Its hard to tell intention from a post. Anyway, you better believe I was praying while I was looking, and I still am.
Today at work my coworker and I wanted to start all of our emails with, "The Dark Lord Says..." but our boss wouldn't let us... but we were able to get away with, "The Devil made me do it..." around the office. :shrugs: What's the point if you can't exploit it? I did have a bad day on 8/8/88 where my brand new car, (three months), was totaled in a hit and run....
DaemoNox said:
I find it funny, people are getting all worked up over this day as if God or the Devil follow our calender.

I find it absurd that "we" think Latinos and Latinas who believe in the chupacabra are silly, but that "we" don't label the 13th floor of buildings the 13th floor and that some people were having labor induced to avoid birthing a child today. I haven't the slightest understanding of the hooplah. However, I do like it when numbers get repeated, like when your total at the grocery store is $33.33, so I thought it was pretty fun that Zeke's weight was 66 today. As my advisor would say, "Simple minds . . ."
Well as far as the lost snake goes good luck to ya. As for the 8/8/8 car crash I dont even know what 888 stands for, but I will beware!
CaptBogart said:
Today at work my coworker and I wanted to start all of our emails with, "The Dark Lord Says..." but our boss wouldn't let us... but we were able to get away with, "The Devil made me do it..." around the office. :shrugs: What's the point if you can't exploit it? I did have a bad day on 8/8/88 where my brand new car, (three months), was totaled in a hit and run....
IIRC that's when the Cubs had their first night game. As everyone knows, anything associated with the Cubs is bound to become a disaster. ;)