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A bit worried


New member
So I'm going to be getting my first snake in January. Part of the rules they are setting in place is that if I were gone for more than 24 hours I would have to bring her with me. Meaning I can't go home for the weekend unless I bring her along. (Context, I'm at college, home is 3-5 hours away depending upon traffic) I don't have the money to have a setup in both locations. I'd be able to love it for longer periods like Christmas and summer and maybe thanksgiving.

Does anyone have any suggestions for safely moving her maybe once a month for a couple days? And temporary housing? I really need this to work out.
You can absolutely leave her alone for more than 24 hours. In fact, moving her around with you would actually cause her more stress than just leaving her. I would get someone reliable to care for her or take her with you if you'll be leaving for a week or more.

Is that the breeder's rule? I've just never heard of anything so strict.
Its the rule my college is trying to impose. They don't understand the stress they are putting on her with that rule. I know I can leave her. It's the school that doesn't understand. I have a mental disorder and I'm getting Scarlet as an emotional support animal.
Oh, I see. You can always set up a tub enclosure pretty cheaply. You can even reuse your heat pad if you stick it to some aluminum foil and then attach it with foil tape. So all you would need would be an appropriately sized tub, water bowl, cheap hides (even cereal boxes or household containers). I would make sure not to feed her for several days before you leave so there is no chance she will be still digesting. And if the room she will be staying in while you're back home isn't too cold, you wouldn't even have to worry about bringing an under tank heater for her. Obviously don't feed her while she's away from her regular enclosure, especially if you don't bring a heat source for her.

As for the actual transportation, while she's little, she can be put in a sandwich container with air holes. Let her sit up front with you so she has access to the heater so it won't get too cold for her.
And if she's still little, you can even just use a shoebox-sized tub. Those are quite cheap. Just make sure to use plenty of clips if you set up a tub for her.