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a different forum....I got in trouble??? for my snake?


Kahn's Mommy
I haven't been faithful to the Reptile Room forum (I don't know if I'm even allowed to post their name on here? So if now, just edit this message) I just visit there maybe once a month. Anyway....I got warned, or suspended, or something, because I posted these same picutres (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33764) in their photo gallery. The post was deleted and I got a rude email from one of the moderators saying my post was completely inappropriote for a family-oriented forum. Okay????? Its a REPTILE forum? I'm offended by lizards eatting poor helpless crickets...the images are still there? Someone posted a video of lizards having sex....and someone said my corn eatting was too offensive??? I read through all their rules and stickies and I found NOTHING about posting pictures of a snake eatting....I'm just a little irked. :shrugs: And now the moderator said I'm "on watch by all the moderators, so they'll know if I do it again. I've been redflagged in their moderator forum." Um...am I a trouble maker? hahahahaha.

Am I being over dramatic? In the original title in their gallery I put "Baby snake eatting his first pinky!" So its not like I tricked anyone into looking....

I put this in Misc Corn Discussion because it involved pictures of my poor Charcoal (he still isn't named....hahha.)
:rolleyes: What a bunch of hypocrites! I don't understand their thinking at all. One of the many reasons that THIS is by far the best place for cornsnake discussions. You can basically talk about nearly anything here, and post whatever pics you want. I can't imagine what they'd say if you posted an adult corn eating and constricting an adult mouse. That's just silly. :flames:
Bobo's Mama said:
I can't imagine what they'd say if you posted an adult corn eating and constricting an adult mouse. That's just silly. :flames:

I'd be banned! HAHAHA, I'm already on their redflag list and I've had a total of 5 posts in the year I've been a member over there. :shrugs: :grin01:

I wrote back to the moderator...a little riked...but I stayed mature and plead my case that there was nothing in the photo gallery sticky rules that said I couldn't post that. All the rules stated was about the appropriote file size...and I was within the limit. haha. Then I told her the video of the lizards having sex offended me.

I feel like going there and reporting every post with a poor cricket or mealworm...and esp that horribly offensive lizard porn video. :rolleyes: :grin01:
hmm i know a bit about the hypocrasy that goes on in these forums... mods tend to have their favs.. i wouldnt worry about it too much, just remeber its only an internet site so dont get too worked up about it.
Heh, did you notice there are feeding pics in the corn and rat snake forum.
What in the world is going on over there? :uhoh:
Every forum moderator has the right to do whatever they want with thier forum. If they dont like what you posted and they put all these red flags on you, just play by their rules and don't post there. :shrugs: That seems to be what they want. There's no reason to even argue with the moderators. It's their site and if they want to turn an ignorant, blind, eye to some of the fundamental aspects of snake husbandry, you won't be able to convince them otherwise.

In my own opinion, if you log onto a snake-keeping website and get so utterly disgusted by the sight of a snake eating, that's your problem. Here's what you should do:
Hit the "back" button on your browser and just don't look the pictures on that site anymore. Then pop a Disney movie into the VCR, take 3 Vicatin, put on your rose-colored glasses, and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's.
Slippery Ernie said:
In my own opinion, if you log onto a snake-keeping website and get so utterly disgusted by the sight of a snake eating, that's your problem. Here's what you should do:Hit the "back" button on your browser and just don't look the pictures on that site anymore. Then pop a Disney movie into the VCR, take 3 Vicatin, put on your rose-colored glasses, and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

Yeah for Ben and Jerry's!! LoL!

But seriously, that sounds like they were just picking on you because like you said, you didnt post the pics under a false label, it correctly stated that they were feeding pics... *sigh* dont fret.. at least you can still post here! :)
I'm not going back on their forum except to check if the mod ever wrote me back. hahaha. This isn't something I was going to lose sleep over. It just annoyed me. Yes its just the internet, so its no big deal. haha. I just thought it was weird? :rolleyes:
LOL< she wrote me back!!

If you think a photo of an animal being consummed equates to reptiles mating, there is nothing i or anyone can say that will effect your mind.

Common sense I think would tell you that a photo like that is not appropaite for a site of with animals lovers

You are warned now, so there should not be another problem.. if you want to share "bloody" photos or of things eating other mammals, I am sure there are some sites and others that enjoy it also you can visit

I didn't realize I was a gorry person??
My mind has officially been blown.

I wonder what she would do if you posted a pic of a snake eating a fish.

You should ask her if it's ok to TALK about snakes eating mice. Or if we're all supposed to pretend that we feed them cupcakes and gingerbread.
Slippery Ernie said:
cupcakes and gingerbread
mmmm cupcakes and gingerbread :eats02:

This sounds absolutely rediculous. I admit, sometimes I am overwhelmed by the amount of eating pictures on this site, but eating is a natural part of the life cycle of all animals. For the most part, I just skip over them--if I want to see a snake eat, I'll watch my own--but I always enjoy seeing pics of other members' snakes.

I would have expected a response like the one you received, if you had posted those pics on a mouse/small animals forum.---But on a reptile forum--Give me a break. Well, it's just more reason to stay over here on cornsnakes.com.
Just thinking here. Did you have any links or title attached to those photos to maybe lead anybody to this site.
Because I don't think the pictures were in poor taste for that type of site.

If you think a photo of an animal being consummed equates to reptiles mating, there is nothing i or anyone can say that will effect your mind.

Common sense I think would tell you that a photo like that is not appropaite for a site of with animals lovers

You are warned now, so there should not be another problem.. if you want to share "bloody" photos or of things eating other mammals, I am sure there are some sites and others that enjoy it also you can visit

Strange remark!
I actually never thought of posting pics of my kids (my snakes...) eatting until I found this website (thanks guys!) Then I realized its not a dark shady part of the snake's nature that we should be ashamed of. Its the same thing as me eatting a frozen steak out of the freezer. I thaw it out and cook it and then YUMMYNESS.

I guess I never assumed it would be innappriopriote on another reptile website. :shrugs: I guess its my fault for not thinking about vegan people who keep vegitarian-only reptiles. :shrugs: :shrugs:

My mom thought it was cruel to feed a mouse to a snake....then I told her that she eats chicken, pork, and steak. So she kind of came around. She doesn't think its cruel anymore at least, and she accepts (not likes...) it.

Mistake made. I won't visit that forum again. I was going to write the moderator back again...and decided it just wasn't worth it. I apologized in my 1st reply to her saying it was a misunderstanding. :eek1:
Gee, I didn't know PETA had a reptile forum :grin01: . That's sure what it sounds like. Like I said, what a bunch of weirdos. I guess they all feed their snakes tofu or something? I wouldn't want to be a part of that forum. I don't think I could post there and keep a straight face. I'd always be wanting to do something to piss them off.
This reminds me of what my mom always says to me, "No madder how rude a person is to you, still treat him/her with respect" And there is Karma for those who believe in it.(i do)

But Tula_Mantage is right, it's just a site. But I liked those pictures just to let you know, it made me laugh. And those are some BEAUtiful snakes you got there! :D Hope things straighten up for you. *crosses fingers*


with my state of mind...I'd be sooo tempted to show them the recent photo shoot of my blood red having a meal...mwah ha ha ha ha...

yeah, ok, I love torturing some people...I'm mean...LOL! :grin01:
omg, What do you mean snakes don't grow on air alone!? Whatever shall I do? ... :rolleyes: (/sarcasm) ... some people's kids!

Slippery Ernie said:
... pop a Disney movie into the VCR, take 3 Vicatin, put on your rose-colored glasses, and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

Do I have to be disgusted by snakes eating to do this? ... if so, eewwww, that's disgusting ... *toddles off to find drugs and ice cream* :grin01: