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a different forum....I got in trouble??? for my snake?

Tula_Montage said:
hmm i know a bit about the hypocrasy that goes on in these forums... mods tend to have their favs..

I have to assume from your use of the words "these forums" that you are referring to this forum too, Elle. I don't really see any mod hypocrisy going on here. Of course, I realize that the admin/mod of this forum doesn't read every word posted. Usually a post has to be reported to the mod before they're even aware of it. If you see one poster penalized for something, while another is not penalized for the same exact thing, I think you can safely assume that the unpenalized post was not reported.

This forum has about the least mod interaction that I've ever seen on a discussion board. It's almost entirely self-policed by its members. You can't expect thousands of members to all be even-handed in their reporting of offending posts. This is particularly true if your posting style rubs a bunch of members the wrong way. Prolific posting in said manner only increases your exposure. Don't take this the wrong way, Elle, but brutal honesty isn't always appreciated. I don't have a problem with it, and if I did, you'd know about it. But I can't expect all other members to feel the same way I do.

You're a good egg, Elle, so don't take this personally. I just wanted to clarify these points.
Russell said:

with my state of mind...I'd be sooo tempted to show them the recent photo shoot of my blood red having a meal...mwah ha ha ha ha...

yeah, ok, I love torturing some people...I'm mean...LOL! :grin01:

Haha, I was thinking the same thing! I was thinking I should put in some random posts with titles not associated with snake eating pics, and including the pics, then watch myself get banned :)
Roy Munson said:
I have to assume from your use of the words "these forums" that you are referring to this forum too, Elle. I don't really see any mod hypocrisy going on here.

I love this forum! I think its run very well and fair. I don't see many rowdy members or favoritism. :cheers:

ratsncorns said:
Haha, I was thinking the same thing! I was thinking I should put in some random posts with titles not associated with snake eating pics, and including the pics, then watch myself get banned :)

Haha, Topic: "Cute fuzzy Easter bunnies romping in the meadow!" Then when they click it *WHAM* SNAKE EATTING A MOUSE. :dgrin:
this is really weird to me because i've been reading the corn snake forums here and at repticzone for a long long while and there are LOADS of feeding pictures on boths sites. They are usually appropriately labeled and accopanied by legitimate questions- i do NOT understand why that would warrant a banning.

you should send her a couple links to these corn snake forums...
honestly what did she expect?
Hypocrite is too nice of a word. I read their TOS twice, and saw nothing about such pictures. I despise moderators that rule forums with their sort of heavy-handed approach.

But along Russell's line of thought I must interject this: *innocent whistle* :rolleyes:
Maybe because I posted my pics in the General area: Photos and Photography? I have no idea. hahaha. I can't believe she called me gorry (not in that exact wording, but she said I was a sick person(???)) I apologized to her and said I didn't understand why my pictures were taken down and she said its a "family forum and people let their children on here to see funny reptile pics and they don't want to see an animal eatting a mammal." Uh...but they can turn on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel anytime and see it?? Its not my fault if parents don't monitor their kids when they are online....

Hahaha. I never knew I was a sick twisted person because I was excited that my hatchling took his 1st pink with me with no problems!

You guys better institutionalize me...whats next? Throwing cats off bridges? COW TIPPING?! Oh...the horror....the horror!!! Feeding snakes....thats always the first step to becoming a crazed murderer...

(ps: I've never hurt a cat nor tipped a cow. hahahaha)
reptile rooms has some good members over there but some of the mods i swear are kinda weird. they actually lecture us on "behaving ourselves".
and i've noticed in the past that some are quick to discipline the members for flaming a troll than just banning the troll.
we had a troll over there for weeks, the mods did nothing but delete his posts. but he would continue to post useless posts sometimes the same question over and over...finally they banned him.

that forum is to me, quite immature and juvenile. not as much useful info there as is here as far as snakes go.

their lizard forums are pretty decent though.
danigurrl said:
... (ps: I've never hurt a cat nor tipped a cow. hahahaha)

Me, neither. But I must confess - I would like to try cow tipping at least once before I die. :grin01: