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A few more of my kids...


Ok, first off, I will admit, I am a horrific photographer. Someday, I will take classes, and learn. So, I apologize for the quality of the pics, but I do hope you enjoy the snakes themselves, haha.

1st is Sebastian, my normal boy. He's almost 6ft, a very big boy. I just like sharing him because he's one of my favorites, he's got a great personality. He does happen to be a fantastic escape artist, however.

2nd is Lanayru, my Anery Bloodred female. She's a very sweet girl too, a little more laid back and not quite as outgoing, but she's still a cool girl.

3rd is Gunner, my sub-adult, almost full grown, Lavender. He's a messmaker. Seriously, he destroys his tub on a daily basis.

4th is Sahar, my Anery Motley Stripe, he is an awesome boy as well. He's paired with Lanayru this year for the breeding cycle, I've never seen a boy twitch quite so much.

More pics in my next post.


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And in this post,

1st pic is Akemi, my sub-adult female Lavender. She is a nasty little girl. Got her from someone who didn't handle her much, so we're working on taming her down. She bites, but she's calming down. She's a VERY pretty girl, and I'm curious if she has any hets.

2nd pic is Mulan, my normal female, who is mate to Sebastian. She's a little cage aggressive, but she's a sweetie once she's out. We love her, she just likes to hang out with people.


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How do the anery bloodred scales look in person? Every pic I've seen of one looks a bit different and I'd just like to know how silvery they really are. If you think your pics are bad you haven't seen mine, mainly because they're too bad to post.
I don't have it, but I can get it.
I bought her from a friend, and just didn't think twice about it because I trust him.

Her and Sahar look almost the same when they're together. Could she still be a pewter?
It amazes me at how similar some of the corn morphs are, but yet they are totally different. I can say I'm still learning haha.
Ah yes, ok, I'll get right on that!
Haha, nuuuuu, these guys are my life. Seriously.
I don't know what I'd do without them.

My corns and my retic are my pride and joy. :)
Ew, just realized I made a mistake back there, haha, in my second post, the second picture is my male Snow, Subzero, not my female normal, Mulan. HAHA, sorry. I uploaded the wrong pic.

And, since I didn't get the chance to add the rest of my snakes earlier because I got sidetracked, here are the rest.

1st pic is Mulan for real this time. My normal female. She was shedding in this pic, I apologize. She's at a friends temporarily, because i was planning on doing a breed loan with her, but now I want to pair her with Sebastian so I'll be picking her up this weekend.

2nd pic is Kazumi. Not sure of gender, again with the issue of me not feeling comfortable with probing yet. Also, was told Kazumi is a Ghost. Not sure about that though. VERY much a runner, tries to get away. Not mean, just a runner.

3rd pic is my Anery 2010 baby, he HATES me. Seriously. Loves everyone else, but always tries to eat my fingers.

4th pic is Piglet. He is named due to his insane ability to suck down hoppers. He had just finished his, and I went to feed his next door neighbor, and he snagged the hopper out of my hand, little brat. He's a tail rattler too. Has a major attitude, but isn't too mean. Just...special. He's my sunglow sub-adult. 2009 baby.

5th pic is Casper, my baby ghost. Sweetest little baby corn ever. Doesn't strike, doesn't get hissy or anything. Just a cool kid. Hoping it'll be a female.

Aand, well, that covers my corns for now. Looking into buying more, but the money department is lacking at the moment. Haha. Soon, I say, soon.


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My thoughts on Kazumi are that she's either a really really dark ghost, or she's something else. Not sure though.
Any thoughts? She matches pictures of a few different morphs.
They are some good looking animals :D I really like the second from the top one, not sure what morph its called but looks almost silver.
On this page or the first page?

The second one on this page is a Ghost (not 100% sure on that, but I'm trying to narrow it down).

On the first page, the second one is Lanayru, my Anery Bloodred female. She may be a pewter though.
Both haha, I didnt see the second page till after I posted. But I love the second one on this page also, I really like the chocolate color. What makes him a ghost? I am just curios, still new to this :D
Aand somehow I made another mistake.

Pictures 1,2,3, and 5 are there.

Somehow Pig's got missed. Poor Piglet. :(
I'll add his right now.

He was in shed in this pic, I need to get some updated ones of him too. He's really really dull in this particular picture, he's so much brighter when he's freshly shed. Pretty little sunglow. He has not been sexed yet either, but I'm guessing he's a male. It always works that way. He's on my list to have probed very soon.


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The part that makes him a ghost is the part that's confusing me. He has the right colors, but he doesn't have that "ghosty" feel. You know how ghosts kind of have that...ugh, I don't even know how to describe it, I guess "faded" would be a good word, that faded look.

I'm going to attach a pic of another ghost corn I've seen, this one is not mine, and you can tell that my kid isn't as "faded" as this ghost.

And Kazumi doesn't look like a rootbeer or a caramel to me, but those were my other guesses, and I know they are wrong.

I'm relatively new to some of the morphs, I'm familiar with a variety of them, but not all yet. I still have trouble distinguishing morphs sometimes.


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ok, after looking at yours then that one I think I can see what you meen. I was just wondering, I think im starting to get a grasp on some morphs, but still dont know much. So I thought I would ask :D figured it would be the best time to ask on this one since you posted one.
Haha, I never mind answering questions when I can. And I'll be honest with you when I don't think I know the answer, I promise that.

But yeah, after doing some research today, I really don't think that Kazumi is a ghost. So any ideas of what she is are more than welcomed. :)