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A major reason to very much dislike British forums IMO....cohabitation thread.

A wee and a fag......? ..........And in a regular post. :roflmao:
Actually, it looks to be a sig. :roflmao:
And folks here complain about DYK.

I wonder, Lynda, what the mean age on that forum is. And the mean length of time members have kept snakes?
And I ask this, because I'm a member of a german corn snake forum, and although I've never read the above references, LOL, they discuss co-habbing back and forth from time to time, too.
It looks like the same debate on here, did you actually read the thread? There's people for and against it here too. Do a search and you'll find the same debate in quite a few threads. I've cohabbed certain pairs, and even have a pair together ATM, but I wouldn't recommend it to newbs, or housing non adults together.
well cohabitationg can be done by some people but it is not advised. I USED to I don't anymore
A wee and a fag......? ..........And in a regular post. :roflmao:
Actually, it looks to be a sig. :roflmao:
And folks here complain about DYK.

I wonder, Lynda, what the mean age on that forum is. And the mean length of time members have kept snakes?
And I ask this, because I'm a member of a german corn snake forum, and although I've never read the above references, LOL, they discuss co-habbing back and forth from time to time, too.
Thats probably the biggest forum in the world.... The age is the same as on here and some members have been keeping snakes the same as on here... In fact they are very alike statistically.... Except the size difference ;)
Thats probably the biggest forum in the world.... The age is the same as on here and some members have been keeping snakes the same as on here... In fact they are very alike statistically.... Except the size difference ;)
I was not berating the british site, Mike.
Maybe a little tongue-in-cheek humor directed elsewhere, though.........:D ;)

Interesting that across the pond, a wee, a fag, and an occasional unedited "a$$", are all perfectly accepted and ignored. No puritanical knickers in a twist, I mean. ;)

I suppose my larger point would be that in sixth grade, I had a german teacher who opened my eyes (without seeming to lecture) to the comparative gaping chasm of difference in open-mindedness and sophistication between the UK/rest of Europe.....and that of the relatively newly independent U.S. ;) ;)
Ah, good old RFUK, i am a member but rarely post on that forum.
I mainly just browse the classified section, lol.

It seems that any comment will be taken to mean something which someone will get angry about, it just not worth posting in my view when most threads seem to be taken up with mindless arguments, (or perhaps it only the controversial threads i bother opening...).

it may be a far larger forum but it not just about snakes, there are section for inverts and other stuff as well which is why the membership numbers are so high.
I think it is safe to say that if you don't know why two males or a male and a female should not be housed together, you shouldn't be cohabbing ANY snakes... and maybe you shouldn't have snakes.
It looks like the same debate on here, did you actually read the thread? There's people for and against it here too. Do a search and you'll find the same debate in quite a few threads. I've cohabbed certain pairs, and even have a pair together ATM, but I wouldn't recommend it to newbs, or housing non adults together.

I did read it...with some skimming here and there. The poll results show that although 36.7% disageee with cohabbing....the rest of the voters either do cohabitate or would consider it. Surely there should be nobody considering it...if they truly understood the risks involved..but they are. I also find the attitude to those who do (and the fact some are saying that since most of the members who cohabitate seemingly 'haven't had any problems' this is the general consensus) particularly relaxed. It just unnerves me. It's not just this thread I've had problems with and cringed over, but many others...not to mention the blatant lack of censoring etc. For example; thread about SnakeBytesTV going bust because of HR669, threads where people believe HR669 has been passed in the US. It seems to be that there are a lot of uneducated guesses or rumours used in responses.

In reference to the ages of members. I'm 19 and joined this forum when I was 16. I don't think I've caused any problems anywhere and can understand how the best keep my animals etc. Perhaps mental age is the problem...:sidestep:
I'm not sure that a "them and us" thread is all that constructive.

As you're very much disliking British forumS (plural), which other ones are you disapproving of? Or is it actually only the one? I read plenty of things I disagree with on US-based forums - indeed, forums around the world - and it doesn't lead me to dislike all those based in that country.

Plus coming here to complain about another forum isn't really achieving anything. You're preaching to the converted here. If you're that outraged, you should be engaging in debate on the other forum and putting your view across there in an attempt to correct their approach.

Perhaps if it unnerves you so much and you're not prepared to do anything but complain where they can't see you doing it - presumably because you believe that you'd be unable to change their opinions - maybe the answer is for you to stop visiting the other forum? You don't appear to be achieving anything other than raising your own (and other people's) blood pressure.
I did read it...with some skimming here and there. The poll results show that although 36.7% disageee with cohabbing....the rest of the voters either do cohabitate or would consider it. Surely there should be nobody considering it...if they truly understood the risks involved..but they are. I also find the attitude to those who do (and the fact some are saying that since most of the members who cohabitate seemingly 'haven't had any problems' this is the general consensus) particularly relaxed. It just unnerves me. It's not just this thread I've had problems with and cringed over, but many others...not to mention the blatant lack of censoring etc. For example; thread about SnakeBytesTV going bust because of HR669, threads where people believe HR669 has been passed in the US. It seems to be that there are a lot of uneducated guesses or rumours used in responses.

In reference to the ages of members. I'm 19 and joined this forum when I was 16. I don't think I've caused any problems anywhere and can understand how the best keep my animals etc. Perhaps mental age is the problem...:sidestep:

I still don't believe the numbers are that far off from what you'd find here, but it is a controversial subject so I won't get into it any further. The fact is, it's human nature. You aren't going to approve of everything posted on this site either, so what then? Complain over there how crazy the US forums are? lol... and just wait, there will be no problem spotting just as many "uneducated guesses or rumors used in responses" here too. If you don't agree with something, then place your vote and move on, or ignore it and find like minded members to clique with... The only difference I've noticed between forums here and across the pond, is that there is still a lot less acceptance of hybrids here. Everything else seems the same to me...
Interesting that across the pond, a wee, a fag, and an occasional unedited "a$$", are all perfectly accepted and ignored. No puritanical knickers in a twist, I mean.
Wee means small, fag means cigarette, and a$$ is perfectly acceptable on US TV along with chopped off heads, simulated sex, and decaying bodies (but not breastessess). What's the problem?! ;)

As for the topic. There are more people that keep snakes together then you'd like to think. I'd argue devil's advocate and at least say there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. :shrugs:

My intention isn't to get someone heated, or rob you of your opinion, but I find it a little hypo-critical to complain about people who co-habitate, when is it really all that ethical to cage animals to begin with?. I do think that people who put snakes together due to lack of space or knowledge is irresponsible, but if someone is doing it without any problems than I don't think we should really be too critical. I mean it's acceptable to selectively breed abnormal traits, air-mail snakes, and even sell snakes to anyone just for profit without doing a check on the buyer, yet it's immoral to co-habitate a couple snakes together?.
I just think it's unfair to judge a selective group of people, because of their stance on co-habitation. I mean, a lot of people on this site are dead-set against HR669, but is that because it's un-ethical on behalf of the reptiles, or because their are a lot of people who are dependant on the profit of the reptile trade?. I'm just saying. People who are for HR669 think their fighting on behalf of non-native animals, and some for good reason. I love all of my pets, but I can't say it doesn't bother me when I go to a reptile show and it's stacked top-to-bottom with dealers selling things that few should own, yet anyone can buy; Anacondas, Constrictors, and some other dangerous species.
Regulations are needed for some people, and for the animals protection. In my opinion, instead of HR669, their should be a required license or ALL buyers of non-native species, and some others, so that people who choose to purchase and take on the responsibility are held accountable. Maybe people dis-agree, but that's just how I feel about it.
I did read it...with some skimming here and there. The poll results show that although 36.7% disageee with cohabbing....the rest of the voters either do cohabitate or would consider it. Surely there should be nobody considering it...if they truly understood the risks involved..but they are. I also find the attitude to those who do (and the fact some are saying that since most of the members who cohabitate seemingly 'haven't had any problems' this is the general consensus) particularly relaxed. It just unnerves me. It's not just this thread I've had problems with and cringed over, but many others...not to mention the blatant lack of censoring etc. For example; thread about SnakeBytesTV going bust because of HR669, threads where people believe HR669 has been passed in the US. It seems to be that there are a lot of uneducated guesses or rumours used in responses.

In reference to the ages of members. I'm 19 and joined this forum when I was 16. I don't think I've caused any problems anywhere and can understand how the best keep my animals etc. Perhaps mental age is the problem...:sidestep:

This is my problem with discussions like this. You have made up your own mind regarding the care of your own snakes. Why is it "unnerving" that people consider it and/or actually co-hab snakes? The snakes belong to them, and the risks are theirs to assess, evaluate, and monitor. It really shouldn't bother you...

The only problem I have with co-habbing is when people try to downplay the risks. The risks are real, and they never go away until you stop co-habbing. But that doesn't mean it can't be done, and it doesn't mean it should be conisidered "unfathomable" or "irresponsible" simply because someone makes the choice to do so.

Afterall...they aren't your snakes...The simple fact that you are ready to lambaste an entire forum based on a personal decision...THAT is more bothersome than people co-habbing their snakes...

For the record, I have 3 pairs of corns currently together and a pair of brooksi kings currently together. Granted, it is for breeding purposes, and only for a couple weeks at a time but...the intentions of my co-habbing have no effect on the risks involved. Am I suddenly irresponsible and ready to be reemed a new one for my decision? I don't think so...
Tyflier makes an excellent point the risks don't go away until you quit. I co habed for a while a pair of corns. I will do that for 3 -5 weeks when breeding but no other time
My intention isn't to get someone heated, or rob you of your opinion, but I find it a little hypo-critical to complain about people who co-habitate, when is it really all that ethical to cage animals to begin with?

Captive animals tend to live longer, healthier lives than their wild counterparts. Not that I am arguing against wild animals... but if you keep your pet animals in an appropriate cage and provide adequate food, water, and environmental conditions, they will probably lead healthier lives than their wild counterparts. In addition, the keeping of animals in captivity serves to educate people about nature, animals, and ecosystems by exposure. People are only going to preserve the things they care about. I like to think that in my 3 years of bringing snakes into my classroom, I have improved the chances for numerous wild snakes that will be encountered by my students and former students. I hope they will remember my snakes and how calm they were and not go with that automatic societal reflex to "kill the evil snake."

If you keep snakes, is it not hypocritical of you to say it's unethical to keep caged animals?? I see nothing wrong with holding the opinion that it is wrong to cohabitate snakes, seeing as how there are numerous reason not to. It is an opinion I myself share with the original poster.

Ricky87 said:
I mean, a lot of people on this site are dead-set against HR669, but is that because it's un-ethical on behalf of the reptiles, or because their are a lot of people who are dependant on the profit of the reptile trade?

Does it matter? Yes, there are people whose financial lives depend on the reptile trade. Just like there are people whose financial worth is wrapped up in horses, cattle, bison, or dogs. I see nothing wrong with that. If you do... then you probably have more in common with the proponents of HR 669 than you do with those of us who are against it.

For what it's worth, my issue with HR 669 is that it will have NO impact on invasive species, and it will, overnight, ruin all reptile rescue groups and reptile breeders. It will also prevent me from taking care of my animals in my will, meaning that when I die, they will have to die too. I will fight that until my dying day.

Ricky87 said:
I'm just saying. People who are for HR669 think their fighting on behalf of non-native animals, and some for good reason.

The Humane Society of the United States does want you to think that they are fighting on behalf of the animals... but in reality they are an anti-pet, anti-reptile group who wants to see our hobby cease to exist.


Check out that link... it has everything you never wanted to know about the HSUS and their stance on captive reptiles.

Once you have read it, then sit there and tell me that they "care about our animals."

They don't give a damn about them.

Ricky87 said:
I love all of my pets, but I can't say it doesn't bother me when I go to a reptile show and it's stacked top-to-bottom with dealers selling things that few should own, yet anyone can buy; Anacondas, Constrictors, and some other dangerous species.

Regulations are needed for some people, and for the animals protection. In my opinion, instead of HR669, their should be a required license or ALL buyers of non-native species, and some others, so that people who choose to purchase and take on the responsibility are held accountable. Maybe people dis-agree, but that's just how I feel about it.

Ricky, if they make licensing for all non-native pets, that would include cats, dogs, horses, ferrets, gerbils, most pet birds... in addition to all of our reptiles. Who will pay for licensing divisions? Pet owners? Tax payers? Who will make the laws? Who will decide how much is charged??

And more importantly... do you really believe that the people who would release a burmese python into the Everglades, which is already against the law are going to not do that because they had to pay a licensing fee? Do you even think they are going to get their burmese pythons from licensed breeders?? Or are they going to get them from "under the table" or black market sources???

Did prohibition of alcohol get rid of alcoholism?? Did it prevent people from obtaining it?? Does the fact that drugs like cocaine and marijuana are illegal mean that there are no drug addicts in the US? I hope you know the answers to those questions... and I think that this is a similar situation.

The issues we face with introduced species are incredibly complex and are not solely the fault of the pet industry. Why then should we take the fall and 100% of the blame?? You can't fix complex problems by banning things. History has proven that.

My apologies to the original poster for veering off topic... but I can't not respond to animal rights jargon.
Ah, good old RFUK, i am a member but rarely post on that forum.
I mainly just browse the classified section, lol.

It seems that any comment will be taken to mean something which someone will get angry about, it just not worth posting in my view when most threads seem to be taken up with mindless arguments, (or perhaps it only the controversial threads i bother opening...).

it may be a far larger forum but it not just about snakes, there are section for inverts and other stuff as well which is why the membership numbers are so high.
I noticed it is a broad general forum that includes everything from invertebrates and fish to ferrets and hedgehogs. So comparing it to this forum would be like comparing apples and oranges. But despite that forum's youth (begun in 2005), it has about 28,000 members, 10,000 active over the past 90 days. Compared to the 15,600 or so members on the more specific CS.com forum, more than half the number of RFUK members, so nothing to sneeze at....but of course, not all RFUK members are corn keepers...or even snake keepers, for that matter.
As the vast majority of ages are concealed, little can be said for the experience of the posters. Although it has been my observation that young posters conceal their ages, as it would betray their brief time in the field. Advanced ages and experiences lend credence to posts, and are rarely concealed. I have noticed.
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Wee means small, fag means cigarette, and a$$ is perfectly acceptable on US TV along with chopped off heads, simulated sex, and decaying bodies (but not breastessess). What's the problem?! ;)

As for the topic. There are more people that keep snakes together then you'd like to think. I'd argue devil's advocate and at least say there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. :shrugs:

I was referring to "having a wee" being used as "taking a...urination". That is how it was used in the siggy.
And upon further reading, I saw many posts that did not substitute "darn" and "heck" for the real expletives, along with other relatively innocuous expressions not offensive to me, IMHO. Words and expressions that would scandalize delicate puritancial ears on this site.
While the general conversations there seemed rather...youthful, it was a pleasant thing to see people talking without wearing their feelings on their shirt sleeves or sniping at each other. (I read various threads, from scientific/technical, to much of their voluminous chit-chat section, which contains a multitude of DYK-like threads, and 5-10 very-like-DYK threads.)

And I'd like to personally thank Mike (snakewispera_snr) for inspiring me to explore one of the largest forums in the world,.....as well as the european "take" on things in general.

Incidentally, since I've never to date expressed my personal opinion on co-habbing....yes, I agree....there is a right way and a wrong way to go about anything.
;) ( Still no no clear and strong personal opinion on the subject. People are entitled to make their own choices and live with their own consequences. ) ;)
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If I was to let you in on my user name, you would see that I am an active member on RFUK... Some of you who frequent the site will already know that as I have given you a heads up....
I like the site, you can call a spade a spade without the forum police infracting you and there are a lot of very knowledgeable people on every aspect of animal care...
The boards move very quick, so there is always lots to read.
Yes, I can see that European chat is a lot more earthy than US chat, but to be honest, I find the candy sweet chat on C.S. a bit false.... I bet you don't talk like that to your mates in the real world....
There's also parts of the site you ain't seen yet (as your not members, in fact they don't open until you have a number of posts and a certain amount of time under your belt).... If what you seen so far makes you sketchy, I wouldn't look....But thats the point, you don't have to open any threads if you don't want to.....
I like both this site and RFUK.... I like them both for opposite reasons....
Plus the classifieds on RFUK are a gold mine of animals....
I wouldn't diss any site, just not go there if I didn't find it was my type of place....
Eric.... You need to join up and get some posts under your belt.... There are parts you may find very interesting ;)