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A major reason to very much dislike British forums IMO....cohabitation thread.

Thanks, Mike. That is the best post I expect to read today.
You make quite pointed points with well-worded subtlety.
You tell it like it is.
My hat is off to you, you have been repped, and I will most definitely explore the site more.
Sincerely, many thanks,
I wouldn't diss any site, just not go there if I didn't find it was my type of place....

Great point Mike.

Must admit I find the tone of RFUK a bit "robust" on occasion, so although I've been a member for quite some time, I only tend to visit if looking for some specific info and I don't remember ever posting there. There is a large membership and you're bound to see a range of different opinions and approaches, some of which you won't agree with. However, there are people who post there that I know of old and I would trust their judgement on any Corn topics.

Horses for courses. If a forum suits you, stick with it. If it doesn't, don't stress - just move on.

And don't generalise about entire message boards from one topic.

And don't base your opinion of an entire country's internet forum offerings, on your disagreement with one topic on one message board.
Woah, I genuinely wasn't posting this on here to spark a cohabitation argument...as much as I can see the point of people who think I was. I'm not willing to have an argument as that was not my intention. I should have thought a bit more carefully about the title of this thread perhaps....*note to self: don't start threads after a night shift*.

I did reply to the thread on the other forum with my views. Let me explain the point of the original post. I had been browsing said british forum recently (just out of interest) and will probably continue to do so. I came across that thread and felt completely out of place and shocked. I completely didn't realise the amount of british keepers (online) that either cohabitate, or would consider doing so. Apologies for voicing opinion. I didn't mean to seem like I was complaining, or expecting an outroar. I just thought it would make for interesting conversation...and also relaying the fact that I think this is a brilliant forum.
I came across that thread and felt completely out of place and shocked. I completely didn't realise the amount of british keepers (online) that either cohabitate, or would consider doing so.

I'm sure you would be shocked at the number of US citizens on this board who either do, or who consider it still a matter for debate rather than governed by an absolute unwritten law - as previous posts here have shown.

It's not just us eevul British keepers y'know!
Woah, I genuinely wasn't posting this on here to spark a cohabitation argument...as much as I can see the point of people who think I was. I'm not willing to have an argument as that was not my intention. I should have thought a bit more carefully about the title of this thread perhaps....*note to self: don't start threads after a night shift*.

I did reply to the thread on the other forum with my views. Let me explain the point of the original post. I had been browsing said british forum recently (just out of interest) and will probably continue to do so. I came across that thread and felt completely out of place and shocked. I completely didn't realise the amount of british keepers (online) that either cohabitate, or would consider doing so. Apologies for voicing opinion. I didn't mean to seem like I was complaining, or expecting an outroar. I just thought it would make for interesting conversation...and also relaying the fact that I think this is a brilliant forum.
Lynda, you did nothing wrong at all, Sweetie (don't mean to be overly familiar, it's just an innocent southern term of endearment to soothe nerves).
I was thrilled, LOL...albeit an odd route, to be introduced to another place where they talk snakes. And plenty of other interesting stuff, too! LOL.
Believe me, I come across threads on this forum and feel completely out of place and shocked all the time. LOL. But I try to take it in stride.
People have opinions, and part of living a peaceful adult life has been learning to co-exist with opinions that do not agree with mine. I'm not lecturing, just philosophizing.
I thank you for your original post, because in a net way, it has broadened my world...which is a good thing. And incidentally, I've never been one to haggle much over cohabbing. Just closed-mindedness. ;)
I think it should be and IS someones own personal decision to cohab, or not cohab their snakes and we really shouldn't waste our time judging them. We can do our best to educate people on the best choices for their animals, but in the end, it is their decision. YOu do what you can do to teach them then you have to move on with your life.. I personally HAVE cohabbed some of my snakes in the past, before I moved to rack systems, and I have pairs in together as we speak. I am accepting the risk and this is my decision end of story.. Why let anything that anyone else does in this world bother you so much if you can't do anything about it?? Wheres the sense in that?
I co-hab to breed.... My main reason not to co-hab is more vivs looks more impressive.:)
Seriously, Steph hit the nail on the head with her post...
Look at it this way... I'm shocked by the US gun culture, we don't have guns over here, the British point of view is criminals and the army have guns... As most of you are not in the army, does that make you criminals?
Like it was said earlier, horses for courses.... You can give me a thousand reasons why you should have guns, but it will always be alien to my British sensibilities..
But I accept you want them for what ever reason, just don't get them out if I'm around.... They make me nervous.... LOL
Is that why yours is proudly displayed, Eric?? ;)
Silly darling girl. Once you're old and fat and grey, you work with what you've got.
I'd be glad to proudly display myself as 25 again, with all the attributes I had back then. Ahhhh,.....youth is wasted on the young.

I think it should be and IS someones own personal decision to cohab, or not cohab their snakes and we really shouldn't waste our time judging them. We can do our best to educate people on the best choices for their animals, but in the end, it is their decision. YOu do what you can do to teach them then you have to move on with your life.. I personally HAVE cohabbed some of my snakes in the past, before I moved to rack systems, and I have pairs in together as we speak. I am accepting the risk and this is my decision end of story.. Why let anything that anyone else does in this world bother you so much if you can't do anything about it?? Wheres the sense in that?
Very well said, Steph. Profoundly well put and succinct. See reps.

( Lauren gets rep, too. Even for reminding me of how old and unalluring I've become. Thanks, Lauren. ) :D ;)
Personally I'm really glad everybody is discussing this in a civilised manner. This is one of the subjects that can really become a heated argument. And for that there is really no reason at all as most people have a strong conviction of whatever choice they made and will not easily be persuaded to "the other side".
At the moment my corns are separate, but I do house my female bearded dragons together. Honestly, on the BD forum I sometimes go, I would be afraid to say so, expecting people with tar and feathers on my doorstep.
It's a shame... no possibility for constructive conversation about this at all.
Hence my joy about the way this thread is going.
For that, a big thanks to all of you !!:):):)
Personally, I think everyone just has their own way of caring for snakes, it's not the blame of a forum or entire country. I just recently separated a pair of adult corn snakes, and although I now know the risks, I don't feel like a bad person for having cohabbed. I have 8 corn snakes, ranging from babies to adults. The only pair that I cohabbed was my first pair, and none of the others have been, or will be cohabbed. I just thought that they looked great in a nice big vivarium, and I had put so much time in making the tank look nice that I thought it would be cool for them to share. The tank is large, and had lots of plants and hides to share.
All of my snakes are cared for with extreme dedication, and I think it's a little ridiculous for someone to say that a person shouldn't be able to keep snakes if they're too uneducated to house them separately. I have learned alot about caring for corn snakes in my time keeping them, and although cohabbing might not have been the best decision, I don't feel that I was ignorantly harming my snakes.
I posted under another thread about my situation, and although I was told the risks and warnings, noone made personal assumptions about how I care for my snakes. They informed about cohabbing very respectfully, and I took their opinions to heart and decided to separate them. I appreciate it when people can be informative and helpful, without casting irrational judgements from their high horse. Sure it's probably best to house snakes separately, but I can guarantee that they're are alot of people that cohab, or have cohabbed, that care for their snakes very much, and don't deserve to be treated like they're unworthy of owning the snakes that they have built personal attachments to.
...I think it's a little ridiculous for someone to say that a person shouldn't be able to keep snakes if they're too uneducated to house them separately.

As someone said earlier, cohabbing can be done if you know what you are doing. If you are familiar with snake keeping and stress indicators in snakes and know how to watch for warning signs of ill-health and disease.

A person who does not know that two male snakes will "fight" or dispute when they reach sexual maturity and that housing males and too-young or underweight females can result in egg binding for the female probably doesn't know enough about snakes to cohab safely.

And as I always like to point out... with as inexpensive as it is to house snakes, if you can afford two snakes, you can afford two vivs/cages. :shrugs:

You call it ridiculous... I call it common sense.
I don't think a forum exists where everyone agrees with everyone else, and if there were one no one would bother posting. Theres nothing to learn or discover in an environment where all are like minded so take opinions with a grain of salt. I understand your need to vent and surprise to find so many had no problem with cohabbing, but at least you understand why to avoid the practice. For breeding of course cohabbing is necessary but comes with risk the owner must assume. Obviously making sure cohabbed snakes are well fed and in a separate container is a must, but even here snakes don't just devour each other out of hunger- stress is a huge factor as well. You can offer all the hides and water bowls in the world but the constant presence of a cage mate long term will eventually lead to scuffles and possible stress induced illnesses, refused feeding, weightloss, or slower growth. I am not a cohabbing basher as long as people understand the subprime environment it offers and potential risks. Its only when people say my snakes like each other, they really are social animals, and i know my snakes they will never eat each other I get slightly annoyed. knowing and assuming risk is different from all out ignorance. I cohab my nonsocial lizards every breeding season and have yet to have a serious injury, but believe me I know it coming;)
As someone said earlier, cohabbing can be done if you know what you are doing. If you are familiar with snake keeping and stress indicators in snakes and know how to watch for warning signs of ill-health and disease.

A person who does not know that two male snakes will "fight" or dispute when they reach sexual maturity and that housing males and too-young or underweight females can result in egg binding for the female probably doesn't know enough about snakes to cohab safely.

And as I always like to point out... with as inexpensive as it is to house snakes, if you can afford two snakes, you can afford two vivs/cages. :shrugs:

You call it ridiculous... I call it common sense.
The last thing anyone wants to hear is self-righteous opinions on how someone should care for their pet's; Seriously!. Their are really bad people in the world, so to ostracize people over every nuance of their snake raising is just petty. What if I said "well I have a 160 gallon tank for each of my snakes, as to simulate real nature, and anyone who doesn't do the same is irresponsible"?. You'd find that pretty annoying, no doubt.
I would hope that people can at least understand it's up to the owner of the snakes to ultimately decide, and if they choose to co-hab so be it. Clearly if someone talks openly about their decisions, and they care about their pets that's really the only important thing. Beyond that it is up to their discretion. It's not up to you, or me, or anyone else, because at the end of the day you worry about you!.
Or self-righteous and hypocritical nonsense about the unethical practice of keeping caged animals... on a snake forum.......
Nice try, but I won't take the bait:rolleyes:. Clearly theirs some bitterness, so I'll just take it in stride. An honest person can take my post earlier for what it was, so I could care less. I realize I'm referring to caged animals on a snake site, but I was dramatizing my opinion for the sake of how ridiculous it is to nit-pick. That was my point!.
As the saying goes "their are bigger fish to fry", but clearly you were too hungry, and you ate the fish before it was cooked, now look what comes out the back-end. Just saying!.
I'm not trying to defend cohabbing, or say that it's a matter of opinion whether it affects a snake. I just find it unfair to say those who have cohabbed don't know how to care for their snakes, and don't deserve to keep them.
The two snakes I cohabbed ate fine, had good weight, and didn't display any fighting or show injuries. Had anything changed in their behavior, I would have immediately separated them. I know there are very real risks, and it would've been wise to not have cohabbed in the first place, but I lived and learned. I didn't just carelessly throw them in a cage together, or make them share a tank because I didn't want to buy a seperate one. I have 6 other corn snakes, all separated, and had no problem finding a seperate enclosure for the 2 I cohabbed.
I just think some people would like to think that they care for their snakes better than everyone else, and cast judgement rather than respectfully share their reasoning behind their point of view. I spend alot of time caring for my snakes, and none of my corn snakes have had any health problems (although sometimes health problems can occur, regardless of great husbandry).
It's perfectly fine to disagree with other peoples way of caring for their snakes, that's how we learn better ways to care for them. But to make such broad accusations, and to label someone as unworthy of owning snakes based on whether they have cohabbed is wrong.
I think it is safe to say that if you don't know why two males or a male and a female should not be housed together, you shouldn't be cohabbing ANY snakes... and maybe you shouldn't have snakes.

I'm really new to all of this but I was thinking the exact same thing!
Why do people attach Human emotions like happiness to snakes and lizards? It drives me insane!

Snakes are NOT flippin happy to be kept together, let alone... alone in freaking vivs!