seriously thats what you think...c'mon man we arent here to give you money or anything, and if someone wants to post a site that has some uk snakes on it, or their own collection i hardly think it would have anything to do with taking away from what this site was intended for nor do i think it will make you any richer/poorer if someone has their own website. who the heck do you think you are to stop people from here visiting it, its not about making you money(well maybe it is to you,but it certanly isnt about that to someone who just bought a new corn that has questions) its about sharing expreiences and oppurtunities with other cornsnake owners, i am not only offended but i will never visit this site again, its free speech man no one would ever visit peoples personal sites if they didnt post them here, this is a meeting place for corn adicts alike. good bye soo long you selfish prick