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A response to the negative feedback on my setup!

you have to have tough skin to come on this forum thats for sure. I have been here a short time and belittleing deffiantly goes on here. If you do not follow the norm get ready to hear it.

Its your snake do as you will with it
you have to have tough skin to come on this forum thats for sure. I have been here a short time and belittleing deffiantly goes on here. If you do not follow the norm get ready to hear it.

Its your snake do as you will with it

Even if it kills the snake?

Not that it will in this particular case, but there are several times on other threads when it could have.
you have to have tough skin to come on this forum thats for sure. I have been here a short time and belittleing deffiantly goes on here. If you do not follow the norm get ready to hear it.

Its your snake do as you will with it

I've spent a lot of time on about a dozen different forums since 2001, I'm basically a forum junkie, so I can tell you from experience, an observation of mine, is that most forums are like that. It's just the nature of the beast, and actually the same thing goes on in the real world too, I've also experienced that as well. Anytime someone comes along with an idea that is different from the majority, the person is usually met with some resistance, some forums are worse than others as far as belittling and things like that go. It doesn't make it right, but it's just what happens, human nature I suppose, we tend to like to be in groups and follow, and when one comes along who is different, well, things happen, sometimes bad.

People are like this in person too. For example, I'm a bodybuilder, I lift weights and basically live the bodybuilding lifestyle and the majority of people don't, so I've gotten weird looks, negative comments & reactions, body language directed at me that says, "you're weird", etc because I am different in the way I live as compared to the majority. It's usually been negative reactions towards the way I chose to eat/diet (as I don't look like some manly woman or anything like that).

I think it's important that people try to keep an open mind and let all ideas be heard cause I believe we can all stand to learn from an open-minded, civil discussion or debate. :)
I'm with ya, sounds good to me. I may look into that Zoo med eco earth compressed coconut fiber soil. I just got my snake, so I'm still doing a lot of learning but I'm all for giving the snake a habitat as close to the one he would encounter in the wild.

I understand what you're saying, it's a cost vs risk thing, we take our dogs for walks in the woods with us even though they may get ticks from doing so, just one example, there are always risks, you can't eliminate them all and just like we can't live in a bubble our whole lives to prevent us from getting sick or diseased, in the same respect I think people can sometimes go too far to the extreme in trying to eliminate risks to their pets. My husband for example, did things a lot differently 14 years ago when he had his ball python, things that I would consider very risky to the health of the snake, (like not knowing the temps in the tank), but yet his snake was fine, never got sick or anything like that. I do think that sometimes we underestimate nature and the ability of these snakes to flourish and survive. Like I read in another thread, dude had the temp too warm in his tank, so his snake simply hung out on the tops of the hides instead of in them, when he brought the temp down, the snake went back to the bottom of the hide, so they're not stupid in that sense, they know how to survive even when circumstances aren't the best, they have to, otherwise they wouldn't be here today for us to enjoy.

Thanks for an alternate point of view concerning corn snake housing, I appreciate it. :)

Not everyone takes their dog for walks in the woods :)
you have to have tough skin to come on this forum thats for sure. I have been here a short time and belittleing deffiantly goes on here. If you do not follow the norm get ready to hear it.

Its your snake do as you will with it

Ill agree with that partly. Ive had people tell me my corn isnt the morph I was told it was, only to find out now it is.

I posted photos of another corn and was told someone felt sorry for him because he was obese.

Ive noticed newbies are shunned a bit, yes. That happens on any forum. Forums that I am long time member of Im like that too, you have chemistry already and your reluctant to let people into (hate to use this word) your clique.

However, isnt this a little different. This person was asking for feedback. Wasnt that the point of posting about his set up? For feedback? For advice? And he got it.

So he doesnt like that people didnt agree with the set up?
So he doesnt like that people didnt agree with the set up?

That is pretty much the only answer I'm getting from reading this..I mean this topic wasn't really necessary..I've asked many questions on this forum and have received both negative and positive feedback and upon those answers I made my choice of the matter and moved on..If you get negative feedback don't take it that someone is trying to argue with you or force you to change your way of thinking. People are merely giving out advice requested of them from the starting question..Each person's point of view is going to be different..that is to be expected...not only in pet care but in anything and everything in life..

I guess my point is...when you ask a question and get feedback both negative and positive..use both...look at your options and risks and make a choice from there..don't try and argue the negatives..because in the end nobody is going to change their way of thought anyway..
..I've asked many questions on this forum and have received both negative and positive feedback and upon those answers I made my choice of the matter and moved on..If you get negative feedback don't take it that someone is trying to argue with you or force you to change your way of thinking. People are merely giving out advice requested of them from the starting question..Each person's point of view is going to be different..that is to be expected...not only in pet care but in anything and everything in life..

I guess my point is...when you ask a question and get feedback both negative and positive..use both...look at your options and risks and make a choice from there..don't try and argue the negatives..because in the end nobody is going to change their way of thought anyway..

Exactly. Words of wisdom indeed. :)
It's not that bad

During the short time I've been on these forums I've found everyone to be willing to help -

Obviously when you ask for opinions you'll get both ends of the stick and should be ready for that, but remember debate is nothing but healthy.

I like that the OP gave his reasoning for the setup he has and tried to justify it, whether right or wrong it gives some insight into his thinking.
I like that the OP is looking for new solutions and new ways to keep snakes and in a way I really like the idea of simulating a natural habitat.

On another note - People don't keep their snakes in this manner for various reasons posted on this thread - but its exactly this type of thread that might inspire a brilliant innovation in this hobby.

My point being that the OP shouldn't be treated with negativity toward the way he is doing things -but rather take this as an opportunity to figure out how to make that kind of thing work safely for the snake and to help the hobby to move forward.

This isn't really aimed only for the topic of this thread - but for when anyone has a new idea, I'm just saying that the attitude of "Its this way or no way" doesnt help the hobby and everyone should be looking at new things to improve it - for the animals and the keepers.

Then again I'm really new to this hobby so maybe im talking out my a** - but its just a thought.

Keep the peace guys - Ricardo
You are right..but that is just the point..None of us ever tried to tell him his idea was wrong or to change his mind..As stated above..on the original post there were 3 responses..one was iffy on the matter, one was supportive and one gave a link to help learn how to set it up in the best interest of the snake..Nobody ever told him to change or not go through with it..we were merely giving our advice..and that there are some risks in the matter..but also stated above..there's risks in almost anything and everything...risks are un-avoidable..

but yea..Nobody ever told him "it's this way or no way"...When it comes to snake care there are so many ways to setup and care for a snake that that phrase just has no standing chance in the world of snake and reptile care..
Whoa whoa whoa!

I first want to say I never meant to use the word negative the way it is being used. I meant negative as: a dis favorable response to the way I setup my viv! So I understand that you guys weren't being harsh!

This thread was setup so that I could say: Aha! Here is how I set up my viv, this is the responses I got, and here is my justification!

Let's talk it out and get some more feedback!

That being said, this is not a permanent vivarium! I am experimenting with this- like I have with aspen, bark, and "forest floor". If it causes problems and I see any signs of infection, I will immediately change it over and treat him. I will keep you guys posted as to how he adapts, but I did want to say after putting him in this he had a flawless shed- which is a great improvement over the aspen
Well if that's the case I see even less of a need for a seperate topic :shrugs: I don't know why when asking about what to do with a natural viv why you would need two seperate topics about it then, just saying. You could have responded to all of this in your original topic and now we've all just hit an unnecessary downward spiral.