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a waste of time and of minimal importance

Aw man... I remember being excited about my birthday. Last year, I completely forgot. Someone phoned to wish me a happy birthday. The convo went as this:

Them: Happy birthday!
Me: It's not my birthday.
Them: Are you high?
Me: (laughs) No, but it's not my... wait... (goes to get calendar)... What the hell day of the month was I born on??
Them: (laughing hysterically) How old are you again?
Me: I'm turning 28, no, 29, no, 28... OMG I CAN'T REMEMBER!

I then proceeded to "do the math".

Cherish it now, mangrove.
elrojo said:
when you were born, I was voting for Reagan.


I on the other hand, did vote for Jack Kemp in '88. ;)
Happy Birthday Mangrove! Hope 17 is as great as you are anticipating it to be! :)
Yes I was, CAV. I drove my horse and buggy to the polling station and dipped the feather in ink and blotted the elephant picture.

I was wondering how long that one would go undetected. Four minutes or so...
Don't blame yourself Chip

I'm just too much of a political junkie.

That and the fact that we're almost the same age, and since I couldn't vote for The Great Communicator, I had to make the call. :cheers:
Hey Mangrove, happy birthday! I hope that you get some awesome snakes and/or your car and enough money to power it. Heh heh, take care man.
hehe, I remember when I used to count the days. This year it's more like...
'oh, I guess my friends are expecting me to put on a party...where the hell am I going to find the time?!!!' :p

I'll be 27 at the end of the month and I've been asking for kitchen appliances!! -I can keep asking for snakes until my head turns blue and falls off...won't happen!
princess said:
I'll be 27 at the end of the month and I've been asking for kitchen appliances!!QUOTE]

I moved out when I was 15, so on my sweet 16, my mother was driving me INSANE asking me what I wanted. I kept saying nothing, but finally caved and said if you want to help "pay my phone/cable bill, or help me with my car insurance/gas" (I had bought a car before I got my licence). I think I gave my poor mom a heart attack... her little girl was all grown up! LOL

E-gads, I THINK I can remember back then....lol. Yeah, I guess I can. When life was a blank sheet waiting to be lived and I was itching to get out and "make my own path." Now....well there still is blank sheet ahead but a heck of a lot of marked up sheet behind. :) Ahhh...to be young again. WAIT...nope....been there done that. Don't want to go back to it again. I think I'll just see what else life has in store.

My birthday wish to you, and all of you "young folks," is that you choose your paths wisely and that you remember to enjoy life as it comes to you......we all grow older, nothing we can do about that, but there is nothing more sad than a person looking back with mostly regrets.